Jahan Dotson and Santana Moss talk about some Penn State and Miami ballers | Commander Code – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Anthony Shane

What they should be talking about is what happened to those referees that fix the game against Washington versus the Giants no, never mind they just swipe it under the carpet like they do everything else Rigg Rigg Rigg


    Who cares , we put ourselves in a position to lose. Many opportunities to put points on the board. 1/3 in red zone. 2 turnovers in our own side of the field .
    We were obviously the better team that day . Just bad coaching in my opinion. We weren’t prepared. We weren’t ready for the blitz when the Giants did exactly in the first meeting.

    We deserve to lose that game. STOP BLAMING THE REFS.

    Anthony Shane

    @Nateee you are right about playing on the field. However you’re dead wrong. The game was completely fixed to make sure Washington did not go in the overtime that’s a simple fact and you know it those calls are 100% called every time and nobody’s ever even heard of the penalty on Mclaurin yes they put them selves in a position for the referees to control the game. That’s what they did and when they do that they’re able to control the games so I don’t care about the pay for 10 interceptions and fumble the ball 10 times pass interference is pass interference! The referee clearly gave McLaurin the thumbs up. You clearly see the ref reach for the flag right after telling him it’s OK are you blind? Of course you’re not you see that so yes, it’s 100% the referees fault they control the ending of that game just like they did against the Rams and the Saints years before and not to mention the fact all the missed calls that day the Indianapolis Colts game in particular to bad calls clearly he fumbled the football. Don’t be a sheep pal it was rigged yeah


    Lmaoo sheep? Nah I just don’t speak loser talk . You keep saying “refs”

    But you cant put the refs in that position to make a judgement call . Or control the outcome .

    Ron Rivera came in the game NOT TO LOSE . Giants CAME TO OUR HOUSE TO WIN

Jayvon Brown

You can tell Santana love Jahan

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