Jacob Eason On Development, Mental And Physical Reps – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Jacob Eason On Development, Mental And Physical Reps

Indianapolis Colts rookie quarterback Jacob Eason spoke with the media about how he feels he has been able to develop through meetings and practice during his rookie season and how he approaches practice from both a mental and physical aspect to continue his progress.

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Brandon Cetta


    Tyler Jacob

    I think so too. Anything could happen but I feel very optimistic about the potential upside with this kid given the right development

    FaZe WaterHoseEz

    maybe tho

Ryan Kieth

I think there’s a 50/50 shot we go all in on Eason next season.

    T S

    @BassBums jacobys contract is up this year

    Alex Barry

    @BassBums so yes a reason he fell in the draft was work ethics issues but everything I have heard from coaches is he has been a hard worker I think him sliding in the draft was a big wake up call for him


    I hope Rivers balls out so that Eason can sit behind and learn more from Rivers.

    No I don’t have faith in Rivers but I do think Rivers had a lot of value as a teacher.

    I think that was the main plan. Teach Eason how to operate as a QB at the LOS and off the field. Get the mental deveopment down.

    Because Eason does have all the physical tools to be really really good.

    Ryan Kieth

    I really think next year should be the year to start Eason. We have a solid offensive line that we may not be able to sustain through next season and into the following one. He’d do much better starting slightly prematurely behind stellar pass protection that to start a year later behind what may be a less effective line. I’ve seen too many QBs with potential have their careers ruined because they never got over the shell shock of being pummeled week after week.

    T S

    We have no idea how he’s developing. Let’s hope, but temper expectations

Nathan Hartman

I think he has a high ceiling

    Luke S

    everyone was saying he was better than herbert coming out of the draft and look what herbert has done im excited!


    He does, but also has a low floor. Hopefully they can develop him to the best of his potential

Austin Mejia

Andrew luck 2.0 🙌🙌🙏🏽

    XRP Xtra Rice Please

    @Brandon Cosby, Jr.
    luck was his own offensive coordinator


    I was thinking that too

    Yaboy Raptor

    @XRP Xtra Rice Please Manning 2.0

    Joshua Lewis

    Hopefully he doesn’t have Luck’s injury problems


    @Joshua Lewis Luck didn’t have injury problems, he had offensive line problems. 🙄

Gautham Dixit

I think his floor is Joe Flacco

    Broke Marley

    Decent floor tbh….. Let the defense carry and make big plays when needed

    Ron Spoljarick

    When I see him I think Brett favre but same concept defense carries his career


I like this kid. I’m sure he wants to get on the field but he sounds content learning behind Phillip and Jacoby. I think he could be the future. Maybe not franchise, but future


He reminds me a bit of Andrew Luck, I hope he soaks up all the knowledge and gets good that way we can have him on a rookie contract and bring in veterans

    T S

    He better not be like Andrew luck


    @T S I like Andrew no matter what he was brought in during into organization when we had possibly the worst GM ever he never got protection and he took us to the playoffs Andrew was a beast

    Ellis Williams

    @T S As if the Colts would ever let that happen twice. If they do then that would be the one reason I’d ever consider quit being a Colts fan.

Barbara Chieppo

I like him Go Colts🏈

Porter Francis

He could be Matthew staffords son

john hunt

I like what I am hearing from this young man . He is humble and is soaking up as much info and knowledge about the game as he can from Rivers and Jacoby . The extra reps that he is getting with Marcus Brady are going to help him in his development as well. This kid is smart , willing to learn , and has a cannon for a right arm . I think Eason is gonna be a good one .

Phillip Linstrum

Start him Colts. Rivers and Brissett are trash cans.

    Ron Spoljarick

    Not just trash cans expensive trash cans

pmo 710

Our future QB

Derek Caldwell

This kid has what it takes


I like this guy, but I think we should still draft a QB in round 1 of the 2021 draft

mook LA ru

I miss Andrew…😥😥

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