‘It’s dangerous’: How the Broncos stack up on offense after the draft | Broncos Country Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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First! Love you broncos <3

Peter wang

Back to 2013 offense with our defense.


    I’ll have to see it on the field consistently for 2-3 yrs before I coronate Jeudy as Jerry Rice 2.0… or Hamler as Welker 2.0 plus speed [keep in mind of the TWO important skills- speed or hands… in a WR Hands are more important so sure Hamler is faster than Welker but does he have Welkers hands & toughness… have to see it to believe it]… that being said Elway likes the OT he has I remain a skeptic hoping James will finally play a full season & having ZERO optimism grandpa tweeker will ever stop getting dumb penalties:
    1. he came to the game late so when push comes to shove he does NOT trust his technique because it isn’t there AND
    2. when you are a tweeker it destroys your brain & makes you ultra aggressive
    So when you add that up you see him pancake guys [in a bad penalty way not a good wash him out of the play way]… and get holds & offsides
    I don’t think that will ever be corrected
    So if I am Elway I would have traded down still gotten a couple of great WR but I would have taken at least 1 OT… that being said I would have taken Cushenberry way too early can’t believe we still got him where we did- in my mind that saved the draft AND I also like the kid from Fla Cleveland because if Jeudy, Hamilton & our coaches teach him to run routes… look out… he is a BIG TIME player… when you watch the film NOTICE that HE ALWAYS HAS SEPARATION but the throw is always sh*t so the DEF look like they are all over him when it was a bad & badly timed throw… wait until you see what he can do with a QB who throws like A Rogers- he is going to shock the NFL world
    I think Snrad could probably play an ILB/SS role in the 5 or dime like a poor man’s I Simmons & I even would like to see Fangio find some interesting ways to get Tuska on the field maybe try a semi 4- 3 set sometime with SPEED…
    Chubb Drey J Casey Tuska
    AJ Davis Von
    See if that can cause havoc on a QB
    I’m thinking pretty much yeah!
    And for Snrad:
    back to the 3-4 [really a 5- 2]
    Chubb Drey J Casey Covington Von
    Snrad AJ
    Bouye Callahan K-Jack & J Simmons
    I think both of those personnel grouping would yield some real speed & versatility
    In the Dime you could go bigger up front
    Casey Purcell Harris
    Chubb Davis Von
    Bouye Callahan Ojemudia K-Jack & J Simmons
    One thing is for certain Fangio almost has a full deck to play with and that is a good thing!

Danziel Taylor

That’s all good we got speed now since letting Sanders go but what about the protection for lock

    i like GILFS

    Uso Penitentiary in the last five games we let up five combined sacks….

    Cameron Luer

    @MrAdamNTProtester it’s because Elway had Manning moron 🤦‍♂️

    Uso Penitentiary

    i like GILFS and even through those 5 games it was obvious that Wilkinson was the worst player on that line because he was out of position all year. He was the only one that gave up double digit sacks out of all the starters

    i like GILFS

    Uso Penitentiary and he isn’t gonna be starting….

    Uso Penitentiary

    i like GILFS clearly he isn’t. Why do you think that I responded to the guy that said he might have a breakout season in Shurmur’s scheme?

Mark homer

It all hidges on lock. But man if lock plays up to par were going to be explosive. I’m feeling optimistic with the promise of a good young QB. A good coaching staff and a young explosive core it looks dangerous. Go Broncos!

    Major Tom

    Lock is not your typical rookie, 4 year starter at MU staring down NFL size SEC defenders, surrounded with half the size & talent & never had a great running back to relieve the pressure like the newly acquired Gordon & this core of additional new receivers . And was able to lead the SEC & the nation in nearly every offensive quarterback category his Junior year b/4 they went 50/50 run pass his Senior year & killed his draft stock.


Ben changed his suit jacket

Wild Inc.

Pumped up for this season.


    Wild Inc. if we ever have one

    Wild Inc.

    NICHOLAS DZIEDZIC positive thoughts my dude

    Jerome Schulze

    If we have a season

Binx Negale

Let’s not hope there gna be a 2nd wave of covid during Fall an Season still goes on. Cuz fuhh I’m excited for this season. Let’s go Bronco’s Country! 💯🔥


    If what we are being told is true how come they haven’t tested… I believe that the only mass ‘tests’ they do will be to put more ethyl mercury in your brain & make you even more docile than you already are… the ‘vaccine’ is going to destroy the youth just like ethyl mercury in flu shots has led to autism AND it will be MANDATORY by gov’t to once again establish more of a surveillance totalitarian police state than we have already become…
    According to the reported stats [See sample below] the death rate is 30+% think about THAT!
    THERE IS NO WAY the Death Rate is 30+%… I have been tracking this since before anyone even talked about quarantine & I have taken it seriously & presumed we were told the truth but with a very healthy skepticism… and only after tracking this for a very long time am I now 100% sure this is B*LLSH*T… now that doesn’t mean they haven’t engineered a bio-weapon to kill the elderly & make people sick to get rid of dissenters but it does mean this thing only kills at a rate like a NORMAL FLU unless they want you dead & then they can make the conditions such that you get the virus & they do NOT help you… I would not be doing this if I thought this thing was even possibly as deadly as they say… I believe the coroner in DC should exhume the body of Barbara Jones a homeless woman who died the week before Christmas [a Thursday I believe] because I believe she died of this virus at or around the SAME time these cockroaches were selling their stocks to take mad $$$ profits & in preparations for buying them back at bottom & making another killing in the wake of this B*LLSH*T! I believe this is another strategic move by Heil Hitllary Lady MacClinton & Obama to destroy the administration & slink back into power- they can’t do that through policy debate since the whole point is to MAINTAIN the SAME policies, and they are worried the TRUTH about BIRTHER ABORTION- a lawyers trick [Obama NOT eligible has nothing to do with his Birth Certificate see my analysis] & REICHSTAG911
    These numbers do NOT make any sense
    See: Press briefing hot mic “take off the mask” John Roberts 4/20/20
    [[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw4Dotm-sME
    and also see segment of Joe Rogan [[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrNZUaaaEtI at 6: 00- 7: 56 ]] Some QUOTES from above video:
    “… Everyone here is vaccinated…” [No vaccines for the poor- just for the rich & powerful]
    “… There are magnitudes more cases than reported…” [therefore the death rate is a LIE]
    “… it is essentially the seasonal Flu…” [therefore LIE is to accomplish a POLITICAL/Economic end]
    REPORTED STATS As at April 22 2020:
    819,321 TTL Cases 45,356 TTL D 83,008 TTL Rec 690,957 Active 14,016 Serious/ Critical
    Therefore from these reported stats:

    TTL Dead + TTL Recovered = TTL Outcomes
    Of the 128 364 TTL OutComes 64.7% Rec 35.3% Dead April 22 2020
    35.3%…. THINK about that over 1/3rd of people DIE… NO F… G WAY!
    However they have NEVER TESTED; they refuse to TEST today; they do NOT Budget to test in the future [except a few $$$ as a facade]; & they have stated they DO NOT WANT to test in the future… which is bizarre [a lot of other things that should have happened if this was a real pandemic have not happened as well- keeping comment as brief as possible]…
    So IF there are orders of magnitudes of cases NOT reported
    THEN the death rate may in fact indicate that this is merely a ‘Seasonal Flu’ type virus and if so Pelosi, Schumur etc etc MUST BE HUNG FOR TREASON… they have wrecked the economy for political reasons… and people have died- fearful to go anywhere near a hospital they otherwise would have & in extremely difficult & stressful conditions that can increase the probability of their deaths. 22 million people apparently are out of work?!!? That is a CRAZY number that is hard to believe especially if this is a dem hoax to take down the trump administration because they are too immoral & stupid to do that straight up
    I have excellent reason to believe that this Covid- 19 lockdown is again Obama & Clinton behind the scenes tanking the economy so that people will reject Trump in 2020. they knew the Giant Orange Psycho Clown would exploit this for power ambition & wealth because he is too stupid & immoral to actually do anything else when confronted with what may be another Big Lie on the scale of REICHSTAG911… somewhere the smirking chimp augustus bushie the war profiteering anarchist & crime syndicate family member is smirking in delight… “… your brother didn’t keep us safe…” indeed!
    TTL OC %Rec %Dead TTL Cases X Global DR 18%
    Mar 30 7 052 64.7% 35.3% PROJ [18%] 25 703
    Mar 31 8 726 63.5% 36.5% 29 770
    Apr 1 11 364 64.0% 36.0% 34 138
    Apr 2 14 035 63.0% 37.0% 38 919
    Apr 3 16 510 63.0% 37.0% 44 180
    4 19 700 62.0% 38.0% 49 970
    5 23 282 63.7% 36.3% 56 095
    6 27 641 65.0% 35.0% 60 827
    7 30 780 64.4% 35.6% 66 271
    8 34 803 62.7% 37.3% 72 730
    9 37 806 60.7% 39.3% 78 440
    10 42 648 60.8% 39.2% 84 503
    11 46 075 59.3% 40.7% 90 572
    12 51 082 59.7% 40.3% 95 961
    13 55 430 60.0% 40.0% 101 138
    14 61 037 61.0% 39.0% 105 924
    15 64 932 59.8% 40.2% 110 636
    16 77 282 63.0% 37.0% 116 065
    17 92 485 62.5% 37.5% 122 078
    18 100 685 63.1% 36.9% 127 849
    19 107 300 63.6% 36.4% 133 006 [Proj 8.1% 60 000 total- news]
    20 111 873 63.7% 36.3% 137 810
    21 114 920 63.0% 37.9% 142 733
    22 128 364 64.7% 35.3% 147 478
    23 131 795 63.8% 36.2% 153 021
    24 139 438 63.9% 36.1% 159 802
    25 162 675 67.9% 32.1% 166 775 Apr 25 is the 1st time the Death Rate Vs TTL Outcomes has been below 35% since the beginning of April & it is a very significant 24 hr drop of 4.0% !!! What has caused this… my comments about the ‘6 000 dead’ in 24 hrs anomaly of Apr 16- 17 took 3 days to get a BS response from NYT only that addressed this ‘error’ in the stats with a paragraph they now run each day 1st 4 800 unaccounted for dead [yeah ok then no swabbing testing & autopsies sure just have the garbage truck pick them up on Thursday & dump them in the landfill] now 5 100…
    Now when I begin posting the above comments April 22 again 3 days later shazam that death rate begins to fall precipitously [I am betting it takes 3 days to co-ordinate & get the word out that the latest mass murder eugenics program for profit power & ambition has been exposed, to then devise a specific cover up response & then implement that with all the crew on board & fully informed to say & do same thing like turning on a dime after Super Tuesday for Joe the rapist- people should watch the movie Sherlock Holmes again- that coffee shop scene where everyone was a part of Moriarty’s crew!
    [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgMPOwt9S-A ]]
    18% is the current world death rate based on TTL OutComes Vs Deaths [I also do NOT believe that number either since the Spanish Flu of 1918 killed 50 000 000 minimum from Sept- Dec and that represents only a 4% death rate [0.04] of global population! Yet they project a ‘pandemic’ that kills 30%+ of the people [Apr 22 35.3% = 0.353 order of magnitude LARGER] who get it with 819,321 cases as at today [Apr 22 2020] will only ultimately kill 60 000?!!? That does NOT add up: If 18% then 819 321 cases yields 147 478 deaths IF THERE ISN’T A SINGLE NEW CASE TOMORROW… what scientist projects like that? If at the current 35.3% RATE [Apr 22 2020] USA then 819 321 Cases yields 289 220 deaths… If there are ONLY 60 000 total deaths without a single new case then that rate for 819 321 cases is 7.3%… where did that number come from? Again that’s only if there is NOT 1 single NEW case?!!?]
    So imagine these number’s if say 100 million people have Covis 19- then you have a flu like death rate of 0.1% [0.13% for 128 354 Dead w 100 mill Cases (27% of pop infected- 370 000 000 Americans 100 mill infected)] So this may be a LIE just like REICHSTAG911:
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea3f82b643a51af7c76a457196256104bd20417c99dd82e52200bccee5e32678.jpg ]]
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9b258741065f2f12391c13fde0bf4ef3d851c247f24d0c5d46644b3ef0694af.jpg ]]
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1682b13970d167bd2ca76822a6938eb4c235cc102963b77eea30931f6c7310c3.jpg ]]
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f5b189dc722019a37828b15fcbd668d25f5987b87effac927493cdf4203cc72e.jpg ]]
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60fe9c1bdc403a43ccf39547d78ea33e569a779708e452e0c8184af37389598e.jpg ]]
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2f884dcea7277ec3672c1caa8da8817406e857e26748c3bd5dafc40c28412dd.jpg ]]
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02ef70d0af093eb700aa239ea70cd235c7204c1a73c4f628382fd577cc1b67a5.jpg ]]
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ecf2c13e53b6a438bcbc9df6df5a9bc28a2a5085146459ea369a5d86a23d70b0.jpg ]]
    [ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/31f26fedb9ad62e419449d0f26411dde656ccc316a84b526f1dca9f3017c85cb.jpg ]]
    Censoring TRUTH = TREASON
    Speaking TRUTH = REAL American
    END of heavily censored message


    1. Pelosi China Town Speech
    pelosi & crew have NO MASKS or social distancing yet she says c’mon down we are being safe…
    You see she knew it was a LIE already THEN yet she has crashed the economy while she eats her $24 1/2 pint ice cream & denies help for the poor & middle class [what’s left of it after the Baby Boomer Locusts generation]

    2. CuoMoe Quarantine Hoax- ‘fat tire biker’ confrontation with 60 yr old Whelan
    3. Biden: ” we raised the NIH budget”.
    He is talking about the same NIH that was funding the Lab in Wuhan.

    Dillon Buckley

    @MrAdamNTProtester 😂😂

David Lee

Offense gone be crazy I can’t wait 🐴


We should’ve got macks little brother

j L

Plenty of weapons, just need to utilize them the right way. Not like last year were they ran a reverse to Fant.

Terry Smith

An 8-8 season for us this would be a successful season for us this year. Go Broncos!


    Terry Smith we all want more than being an average 8-8 team with the amount of talent here

    Pan Fisherman

    We should have been a 10 win team last season if we weren’t robbed of those two wins and we didn’t allow that insane last drive where jacoby Brisett escaped von miller’s sack. We can definitely be a double digit win team this year.

    DAN Tu

    Nah. A wildcard birth


Hell even if Lock doesn’t improve much from last year, the roster itself is still a 7-8 win roster. It all hinges on him and Shurmur

    i like GILFS

    At what positions do we have holes at though?


    i like GILFS only real “hole” is tackle, it’d be great to have higher quality ILBs and Corners, but I think Vic will make for with who we have. We have depth at the positions, just not any high quality guys besides Johnson and Bouye

    i like GILFS

    gatorloganuf Don’t forget about Bryce Callahan


Douglas Coleman III is also an amazing safety piece we got as an UDFA. He or Bassey will continue the UDFA streak I’m 100% confident

Jerome Schulze

If we have a season..we will be dangerouse maybe..with no training camp or camps will be hard to get to work

    Cameron Luer

    The season is happening idiot.

Jerome Schulze

Two guys im most pumped about is our new tight end and hamler.. But we have such a stout offense now.. Locl better produce..if we dont win first two games.. Lock aimt it..trade for rodgers or bring in cam netwon


Ojemudia is not going to be playing safety. He is a pure outside corner. He doesn’t have the feet nor the hips to be playing anywhere inside.


Albert O will be only a redzone threat until he is able to get his fluidity better. Watch the tape. He runs a 4.49 but it doesn’t look that way on film because he’s not reaching his top speed due to technique and fluidity issues. Compare his tape to Fants and you’ll see Fant looks much much faster on the field because of better technique.

yulia wati

Plis Hire Peyton Manning as consultant for the offense

Cherokee Mack

Heard this joke last year,

On the practice field, all the bronco players and coaches suddenly discovered a white substance on the field that they had never seen before. So they suspended practice and called the authorities to investigate and identify the white substance. The authorities identified it as the goal line
Go Broncos!

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