‘It will take all of us:’ Broncos cancel football activities to shed light on social injustice – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Cause somehow not practicing is fixing the issue of people not listening to cops. Gotcha.

    Sidepiecetre 22

    Ignorant asf i feel bad for your parents


    @Sidepiecetre 22 cool. Not practicing wont solve anything. Keep being ignorant

    Sidepiecetre 22

    @JC Brunz White ppl something serious dont worry hell will welcome you soon

Jonathan Baumler

How absolutely ridiculous.

Jon Mitchell

I’m Brown. Hispanic And it doesn’t matter being last. As long as I’m counted

    Adrien Isaac Rubalcado

    Lmao we just out here like 🤷🏻‍♂️.

    Ron Weber

    Everyone is counted, what should be priority is; who are you counted with? With those having their livelihoods destroyed or those destroying the livelihoods of American Cities and American lives? The innocent or the criminals?
    Who are you being counted with?


Well damn, was hoping the NFL wouldn’t do this.
Especially the Broncos…

Nick Fresques

Very, very disappointed in my team, Denver Broncos. I’m closer to not watching the NFL this year. I tune in to sports to get away from politics and here we are right in the middle of it.

    Anakin Skywalker

    White person

    Mike Hayse

    Everything’s political, and I hope this is the new norm. Can’t pretend these guys don’t have to have the same talk with there sons and daughters that every other black parent has to have. You can’t expect them to put a smile on your face if you can’t support their REAL lives in return.


    Mike Hayse, Jacob Blake deserved what he got, he’s no martyr. You people are destroying this country over lies lies lies and media manipulation. Pure propaganda. Take your head out of your colon and smell the fresh air.

    Nathan Kim

    @mrtrex01 Yeah they are protesting for a pervert, harden criminal resisting arrest and tried to pull the officer’s gun.

    Grand Royal

    @Nathan Kim No, it’s called due justice. It’s every Americans right. If he happened to be found guilty then he hits the pen and gets all that’s coming to him. Until that time he is innocent until proven guilty like any other American citizen. He is afforded those rights by our Constitution.

Justin Lawley

What BS…I’m bout to give up on sports now! He got what he deserved!


    Grand Royal, He didn’t die. And by the way Knives kill far more people than guns. It’s a deadly weapon, especially the car he was getting into.

    Sidepiecetre 22

    @mrtrex01 Get tf off my comments little girl

    Sidepiecetre 22

    @mrtrex01 But he already had the knife in his hand stop with the bs before I beat tf out you


    Sidepiecetre 22,
    Fact #1: taser didn’t phase him
    Fact #2: he tried to take the cops gun.
    Fact #3: he had a knife
    Fact #4: knives are deadly weapons
    Fact #5: he was resisting arrest
    Fact #6: he’s a sexual predator
    Fact #7: the fight lasted for more than 5 mins
    Fact #8: he tried to escape or kill cops.
    Fact #9: you’re a f’ingtard bucket.

    Sidepiecetre 22

    @mrtrex01 1 he already had the knife

    2 he was going to break up a fight

    3 if you say anything about background you are racist and thats facts
    4 never tried to take or attack the police officers

    5 how is he gonna get in the car grab a knife and kill 3 police officers he would have been shot long before he could even get the chance
    6 you are trash and pathetic

the real bipolar

Being my team i was hoping they did cause it would had hurt my feeling if they didn’t


    You see who’s mad about them doing this right? It’s sad man really sad but I’ve always said Colorado is a racist state. They just don’t care.

    Ryan Harkes

    I’m glad they did it. It puts the spotlight of what’s been going on with social injustices that’s been going on in this country as the main topic. Yet racist and ignorant people are complaining about it.

andrew stephens

Screw this, I was really looking forward to the season now I’m pissed. How does canceling games or practices help whatever injustice you think is happening right now. I won’t even get into my option the stuff happening right now but this is absolutely stupid


    arvelle4 The reality is that this is NOT happening at an exponential rate. When you look at the facts and statistics, this narrative is completely untrue. Sorry.


    Sounds like the angry, hateful opinion of someone who’s never been effected by the narrative.


    マコちゃん Sounds like someone who’s done research and looked at the government and FBI statistics.


    JC Brunz so if they choose not to play why are you so upset? Shut up crying about it and go do something else with your life. Shut up crying about how they’re millionaires, shut up crying about how stupid this all is.


Hopefully you guys won’t be picking in the top 15 picks this year that would be a amazing change. Been trash since the super bowl

    Nathan Kim

    If they keep skipping practices, I will agree with the commentators on NFL network that they’re going to near the bottom half again at this rate.

    JC Brunz

    Kinda happens that way, sports are cyclical like that. I mean what can you do after every team starts poaching your championship players and coaches? Picking in the top 15 is what makes teams good, see the 49ers. Of course this excludes the browns and Jags, who are apparently cursed.

B.H. C.

So what’s the point? Do ya’ll really believe that cancelling a sports practice is going to improve the social situation in the USA? How does that work exactly? How naive… Whoop dee doo, a bunch of millionaires refuse to play sports, big freaking deal… I hate to break it to you but the government doesn’t give a damn, and the cops don’t give a damn. Anyway, good luck come November with your two amazing candidates who will never be willing nor able to break the status quo

Nathan Kim

Cancel 2020 NFL season #cancelSports #boycottSports

    Celina Domina

    Oh shut up with that cancel culture bs!!

Grand Royal

Those walking out and standing with those being unjustly murdered are the protectors of lost souls and truly his brothers keeper. Those giving the voiceless a voice will be shown to be on the right side of history. #DB4L

    JC Brunz

    You don’t think things would be better if we all stopped pointing the finger and worried about ourselves for once, and those we love of course!

victoria helburn


P-Man Soa

just because it hasn’t happened to you, does not mean it does not happen to everyone. I support my team no matter what. #BroncosCountry

    JC Brunz

    Yeah, the problem is no one is using their brain to come up with real solutions, they’re literally just crying about it and calling for a word, that being “change”, instead of anything concrete. It’s similiar to fighting a war on “terror”. It never ends, how can you fight an idea? How can you change when no one knows what that change looks like apparently. Let’s just print more money, shall we? That has definitley worked in the past…not!

    P-Man Soa

    @JC Brunz i agree with you totally brother, but these events are sparking conversations but at the end of the day we can only do our part. It is sad because those in power don’t bat an eye and see this all as marketing techniques but that don’t mean we can’t do our part but yeah man it is sad because all major sports do this yet it yields little to no change. God bless brotha

Mr. Bondhus2You

Absolute garbage, thought I still had my broncos to fall back on, now they’re sipping the koolaide as well. So disappointing. I won’t be watching this political bogus in sports all year

    Celina Domina

    Well bye!!

    Higher Learnings

    Don’t let the door hit ya

Ron Weber

What is the difference between Democrats, RINOS, BLM, ANTIFA and the Denver Broncos?

    Higher Learnings

    Its crazy how you guys turn this into a political situation. Do you think Republicans don’t care if police use excessive force?

    Ron Weber

    Higher Learnings
    What I’m saying is, I’m tiered of these athletes who get a platform and a bunch of money and then start doing the bidding for something that’s they obviously know nothing about. Otherwise they wouldn’t be protesting in support of a movement that is destroying the livelihoods of thousands of people around the country. Destroying the country has everything to do with a political movement not inequality.

    Higher Learnings

    @Ron Weber Unfortunately there are some people that are taking this time of social unrest to destroy and loot. They are a very small percent of the population that want to cause terror and chaos. Most of the protesters are peaceful and are rallying for something they believe in.

    Ron Weber

    Higher Learnings
    I totally reject that this country or the police are Racists.
    I don’t believe anyone is saying there isn’t inequality that happens, or on a very small scale there aren’t racists thing happening. But, too make the claim of blanket racism we are not.
    You are right people are taking advantage of this situation this is correct and I don’t think anyone would argue that either but, who in the talking head media is separating the two, protest/violence, they aren’t.
    Well not until this week when CNN got their reality check at their poll numbers?… that’s right now that they see what’s happening to Joe Biden’s numbers and a lot of it has to do with the riots they have been supporting/denying at the very least, their rethinking their news coverage and now these riots exists and “might” be bad for the Democrats.
    Don’t believe me, go watch the Don Lemon and Cuomo interchange.
    That’s why I have said if the Broncos were going to denounce this violence and mean it, they would have already. They are supporting the same organizations supporting the destruction of their fans livelihoods and lives, while these players live in their penthouses and think they get to fly above it all and get a pass.
    This is injustice too, enabling, supporting and encouraging those destroying Americans/fans is the same as doing the crime. People are convicted every day of it in this country.
    The worst part, these Sports icons think they are all righteous. doing this while causing suffering to their fans.
    Maybe just maybe someone at Broncos headquarters will just maybe see soon the injuries they support and get a clue and come to their senses and stop supporting this NFL mandate.
    If I was a betting person I would place my bet that this was supported straight from the NFL’s PLAYERS ASSOCIATION AND GOODELL’S OFFICE.

Scott Knight

Not a fanatic about this boycott platform on social issues, everyone has their decisions to make. I will no longer be subscribed to any pro team, I will actually start subscribing to any first responder website and supporting my local sheriff and policemen and women even more strongly than I do now, real heroes, not players living a pampered unrealistic life, sustained by mainly the fanatics like myself, no more attending games or tuning in when MY favorite teams play.

    Higher Learnings

    So you support policing with excessive force? Crazy how you are mad at a team taking time off to try and fight racism and unjust policing. The cop who shot someone in the back 7 times is the one you should really be mad at.


I miss Tyler on the radio broadcast of the Broncos on KOA. I thought he made a much better color commentator than the gentleman we had. Sometimes his sideline comments were far more insightful!

Higher Learnings

All these supposed Broncos fan’s i have never seen post before until now when they post their white privileged rhetoric.

Higher Learnings

Broncos Country doesn’t need any of the people that are so butt hurt by this either. Yes, please don’t watch sports and take your free time and try and better yourselves.

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