‘It makes my heart happy’: OLB Jacob Martin on playing for hometown Broncos – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Bodie Mischlich

A great add to the team, glad to have him, welcome home, and welcome to the Broncos!

Carmelo Troutman

Mac Jones’ face before he gets hit is hilarious 😂


    Why bro look at him pump fake and still throw😂 and he smiled on the way down 😭


Welcome home Bronco !!

Amy Bright

Dude is a beast. Super underrated. Nice move

Network Jay

Don’t know why but he gives Wesley Woodward vibes…let’s ride

Jose Gonzalez

This guy reminds me of Ray Lewis

Rick Whitford

Wow such a great humble guy. I’m starting to see a pattern!! Good move for the locker room for sho’.


Dude forgot that Brett rypien was starting in the jets game


Sneaky good move from Paton. Thinking he will have his best years here in Denver …

Gayle Sallee

Welcome home Jacob Martin glad to have you!.GO BRONCOS LET”S RIDE!!


I’m loving how he goes for the ball and not the sack. Very Miller like.

Talon Floyd

Im most excited to watch this guy from who we got before the deadline. Hope he creates a good energy on D

Mitch McQuesten

We had him with the seahawks, he’s got all the physical skills to get the job done. Hopefully the defensive line coach can continue his progression


George Paton 🫡 He’s doing it man. We got good returns from chubbs trade & I’m really excited to see Edmonds & Martin out there.

Irvin Van Vanderbilt



I love the character of the players Paton has added. They seem smart and articulate. Welcome to Broncos Country Jacob!!

Chef Big Dee

Welcome back home bro. I’m sure the family is happy.

Micah 321

Right away, I see a humble dude, after his reaction to the question “what do you think you’re gonna bring to this team?” His response showed humility, a quiet confidence, and no big ego. Love him already.

John Havilicheck

Jacob Martin hometown kid welcome home you looked good at rushing the passer and stopping the the run

Jeff B

Welcome back to Denver. Looking forward to seeing you play.

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