Is hotdog a sandwich? 🤔🌭 #shorts – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Justin Durnan



Can we get her a smaller microphone please? 🎤

Giovanni Richezza

“Glizzys haha”

Ryan D

I love how DJ is always smiling

Dave Martial

Absolutely not! 🚫🌭

Scrood WRLD


B. Jay

Lol Penn State with the correct answer

Chris Kailath

W for Saquon and Julian Love

Hairysexual the Useless Eater

Is mustard hot sauce?


Stop this nonsense.

ellis logan

A sandwich is some type of meat/cheese/veggie combo between two pieces of bread

A hotdog 100% fits the definition of a sandwich—sexy sexy knows (:


Saquon had the best answer

Real Tomato Ketchup

Why is everyone using that stupid mini microphone?

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