Instant Reactions and Takeaways From the Raiders’ Week 18 Loss to the Chiefs | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

We deserve better!!!

    Briana Torres

    Bench Mcdaniels, not C4RR

    Raider Ralph

    @Briana Torres Keep Carr!

G Vergara

This proves it, no matter what QB you put back there we won’t win anything until the Defense is fixed. Carr was not the problem, I see that now. Get rid of MCDummy he’s not helping either.


    Mcdaniels?? Are you serious? Don’t you mean?



    Get rid of McDummy…😆 🤣 😂

Jim Ogm

Raiders get more embarrassing by the minute. Kicking out a Raider fan in a sea of red because of a sign.

DB Crypto

Hopefully with our season end will follow with the end of Josh McFailure. Carr and Stiddham, same result. What does that say? Bring Gruden Back. Ziegler may be ok, but Josh McFailure needs to go.

Jim Ogm

Raider PR junta is ridiculous. No one can say anything negative. Paskal so excited Stidam threw for more yards than Mahommes and ignores the two fumbles


What a joke…. Chiefs running around in circles. WHAT A JOKE MARK DAVIS!!!

David Davison

We need QB, RB, guard, rt tackle, 2 Interior DL 2 LB 2 CB and safety.

    Jim Ogm

    Head Coach? defensive coordinator?


    A winning record? Happy fans?

Steven Richardson

Until the defense gets fixed the Raiders will continue to lose. No team has had a worst defense then the Raiders for the last 10 years. Mark Davis needs to realize offense sells tickets but defense wins games.


Can we say fack the offense and get a DEFENSE!!!!!!!!! Hell Raiders can score 💯 and the opponent will score 102!!!! 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

G Vergara

We suffered with an over complicated system with Paul Guenther and see how that worked out.


I remember how we felt this time last year after all the tragedies and BS….optimistic and proud of our team under Bisaccia. How far we fall we’ve fallen in progress in just a years time.

Get a clue Mr Davis

    Plumkin Horres

    Lol How’d McDickSucker take a playoff team and spent all this money in the off-season to finish 6-11 and destroying Raider Nation in the process lol. Raiders fan have it tough LMAO 🤣


it’s crazy how WR’s on a one year deal keep having record years with Carr


    carr go bye bye so oh well

    Cory Rider

    @wait-ingyep and it looks like he wasn’t the problem huh? Just ducking admit it. What’s so hard about that. It was McDaniels fault


When they go 4-0 or 5-0 or better, that’s when you will know the raiders will be good again like they should be.

Jesse Flores

This defense can only make 2 maybe 3 stops per game. when they do make a stop they blow it with a penalty. This team is very badly coached.

Elias Hernandez

I’ve never seen a stadium get taken over in Oakland and we had way worse teams out there


    Doesn’t help when they kick Raider fans out for criticizing the coach

Emily Baxter# The Cartoony Witch Gamekitten

Quickest way to make this team better, force Davis to sell the team, and fire the coaching staff


As an irrelevant Raiders “fan” my dream drafts are far superior to the actual draft.. ridiculous


What we need is secondary help!!! Lawd plzz send us a shut down corner. We need a lot to get back to playoffs tho tbh

Tj Miller

Being a raiders fan sense I could remember this season is so embarrassing! They need to evaluate from the top down new GM new coaches new owner!

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