In the Living Room with Tunch & Wolf: Most Under-appreciated Steelers | Pittsburgh Steelers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

In the Living Room with Tunch & Wolf: Most Under-appreciated Steelers | Pittsburgh Steelers

Tunch Ilkin and Craig Wolfley get into their lists of the most under-appreciated Steelers throughout the years, talk about the coaches being able to come back into the office, Steve Nelson and more.

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Evan Sanford

Steeler Nation!!!!

Gia Pacella



HERE WE GO!!!!!!!

David McCall

Let’s don’t forget the police officers that were killed by the crazy looters. There’s no excuse for their behavior either.

George Washington

Under appreciated players that I can think of on the top of my head are Gary Dunn David Little Brian Hickle Keith Willis Keith Gary Terry Long Larry Brown Mike Merriweather Robin Cole Dwayne Woodruff Ron Johnson Walter Abercrombie Louis Lipps Tunch Ilkin Craig Wolfrey Frank Pollard Carnell Lake and many more to name and of course the all-time greats that don’t need to be appreciated because they always were appreciated.

Thomas Horner

randy grossman and mike wagner are two under rated players as is andy russel

Ex EddieB

You guys are awesome and funny, pls continue doing podcasts!

Yung G.O.A.T


Night Wolf

Tunch giving a Sermon on the Mountain….?? Is he sick? He looks really thin….worried about him.

Rick Martinus

I would put up Jesse James, especially from seemed many of commentators and such.i mean what did we seem to keep hearing, that we didn’t have a real starting TE.Seemed that it like we have James that,well he’ll do okay I guess.Now they would give him some credit as a good blocker believe, but because he wasn’t that flashy “stretch the field” or a Gronk TE it was like he can only block Yet he showed when given a chance it could also catch the ball,help make the chains move with his hands So is a feared TE that bust rhings open like a Gronk okay no Still when given a chance he showed he wasn’t/or could not just be one dimensional but help the Steelers succeed in both ways which is I why I would put James on the underappreciated board.

Rick Martinus

I also want to give a shout out, especially given the grunt work they had him do, for a player I recall liked.The player would be Dan Krieder.He was pretty much just made to block,but as a Steelers blocking FB back in the day of FB blocking unless I mistaken seem to recall he was a top blocker that really helped to power the Steelers running game when he played.

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