‘If they get a QB there in Denver, they’re a serious contender’: Chris Simms on Broncos’ future – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Nate Carter

Can’t wait

Michael Bozeman

we have a QB you just would’nt let him play and learn denver has never known how to develop a QB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Patrick Smith


    Dave Pearson

    @Geordan Brickey , You hit the nail on the head.
    We would have seen it by now.


    I’ve seen enough of the turnover machine!!🔒😭

    Stevie Sevieria

    the QB question has been answered now….

Geordan Brickey

Great stuff

Amy Bright


Dave Pearson

Talk about right on the money with Teddy.
Great interview. 👍

Isaac Ramirez Renteria


Michael J V

I know Chris Simms played for the Broncos, for a quick stint, but it seems he Is Chris Simms a Bronco Fan? He said “we” a lot..

    Stevie Sevieria


John Huston

They make it sound like the losses last year were all on the QB. I don’t think so. The defense couldn’t make a final stop. Thats what I remember. Broncos are more than a QB away. They need to be stronger and faster on the lines

    HP Films

    #3 in points allowed …. scoring points was clearly THE problem

Jesús Maciel

Hopefully the new coaching staff can develop our players because all these coaches we’ve had have been horrible in all phases maybe it was by design from the brass looking forward to this season let’s go Broncos!!

Ricardo Quiroz-Torres


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