‘I would not take a Knee’ – Osi Umenyiora | The Locker Room | NFL UK – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

‘I would not take a Knee’ – Osi Umenyiora | The Locker Room | NFL UK

The NFL UK team reunite after a powerful off-season, taking to the ‘Locker Room’ to discuss their take on the Black Lives Matter movement. As former NFL players, Osi and Jason discuss how they personally see the importance of using sport as a platform to protest; as well as what they would do if they were still in the NFL locker room.

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“It is the medias responsibility to not focus on who stands”




    This is literally their only video like this

    Ninja kilzombie

    It’s his right


    you’re literally a fascist. Trying to have the media silence the things you don’t agree with


    @Xcell apparently pointing out irony is fascism now


    IICON i get your point but they should report on both sides



Russ McAfee


Charles Higgins

Respect to this guy

John Bizimana

Freedom of speech goes both ways I respect him for that

    War Productions

    you can say whatever you want on a talk show as long as you don’t go out of the way to talk down on the company or whatever you are working for nothing will happen to you or say something very offensive or whatever, there’s really not much you could say that is going to get your job lost

    Long D. Johnson

    @Ryan Rickaby I think the argument is that protesting by taking a knee is protected by the first amendment, as is what this guy is saying. And while yes, you can’t go to work and say anything you want and not expect to get fired, but the players in the NFL aren’t doing that. They’re taking a knee for something they believe in, regardless of what anyone else thinks of it. Them protesting is technically protected by the first amendment, and even if the NFL decides to fire them, they could still kneel any other time they’re somewhere where the National Anthem is being performed. I don’t know what you’re so angry about, it seems like something stupid to get so worked up about.

    Ryan Rickaby

    @War Productions because we’re not talking about his opinions on a talk show…. we’re talking about what he would do on the field…. u see the diffrence between a talk show and actually playing the sport?

    Ryan Rickaby

    @Long D. Johnson if them protesting the national anthem and flag by taking a knee is protected speech then why is there any controversy? Because it’s not while they are at work is my whole point they all signed contracts with there team and the nfl, and if the nfl/team don’t like what players do they can terminate there contacts, when they are not on the job yes it is protected and they can say almost anything under free speech,

    Member when Rosie odonald got fried from her own show because she said something racist? Racist speech as long as it’s not calling for violence is protected under free speech also but NOT WHEN UR AT WORK.. and she wasnt even at work when she said it… but it was bad for the company to keep her, even tho she has free speech. this is my whole point it’s not protected under free speech at work or else they could not be fired for it, it does not matter how passionate u are our how much u believe what u say, I really do think my boss is a pos but If I say that to his face I’ll prolly be fired because u don’t have full free speech at work, I’m not all worked up about it it’s just annoying when people try to bring free speech into a convo that’s not about free speech and also don’t support free speech across the board but only when it’s something they like

    YAN -26- Porn STARS ღ*GO MY PROF!LE* ღ



That took some balls.


I respect the guy in the gray suit immensely.

    Soda King

    2x Superbowl Champion that man was part of that Incredible Giants D Fence that beat the Patriots in 2 Superbowl’s

    ghost in the shell357

    @Soda King yes he was great player

    Ashley ! y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! 20OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


Paul Fredrickson

Total respect for this guy

Mark El

Osi has always been the GOAT. Let’s not let him get canceled!!!

    David Campbell

    He’s not getting cancelled in the UK, we love him. The show has been talking about all this since 2017, some great stuff.

Poor Randall

Osi God Bless You

    Nency_26 ! I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


Jared Thomas

you know what, i can respect this man’s honesty

    MYRA ! 19 I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!



So NFL UK has a more constructive conversation about this. Than NFL US LMFAO 😂

    David Campbell

    The NFL show is on BBC iPlayer every Saturday night which is Sunday morning in the UK. Best NFL show going.

    L D

    @David Campbell I shall tune in more often. Thank you

Robert Duchene

I seriously wish everyone looked at the whole situation like these gentleman do. We would not be in this predicament.


    Not that simple. I wish everyone was treated equally. We would not be in this predicament.

    Mase B

    jshuman21 People don’t understand that is why people are protesting and taking a knee


    Mase B there is hope man ik there’s a divide but there’s a majority that understands what’s going on right now with this movement. Im a young white kid from a rural area and I have never once thought less of someone because of the color of their skin, their nationality, etc. I really think this generation of young adults will make big strides towards true equality. We just need to continue to speak and be heard.

    Aidan Cole

    jshuman21 this systemic racism stuff is all assumptions

Will Ford

Who let this man wear green glasses on TV.


Mad respect for Osi!

jay chaiing

Thank you for your honesty and courage to be “yourself” ……I’m from another country also and I have benefited from All the USA has to offer.
God bless you and God bless America .


All skin folk ain’t kinfolk they have used them against us for years


Damn this was a good segment. Both of those players were class.

Melo Mel

He was always one of my favorite Giants

luca regio

Osi’s comments genuinely give me hope

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