‘I want to be the best’: Garett Bolles on what he’s trying to prove in final six games of the season – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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William Mims

Garrett ProBolles

Andres Sandoval

Bolles given more responsibility in the blocking schemes wow and possibly going to the Pro Bowl double wow.


    Has too he has been top 5 all year

Ima Fun Guy

Most Improved OT


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Yousir Cantknow

I know longer use his name five times a game. 👍

jeff schoenhofer

O line coach is finally getting threw to Garrett…. paying off big for him and his future contract ..$$$$$$$


Watching Bolles go from the most penalized to one of the best linemen in the league has been so satisfying. I hope this guy is on our team for a long time.


garret bolles defenders over😂sorry… that wasn’t funny, i’ll stop now😐

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