“I Think We Ran Into Perfection” | Braxton Berrios Postgame Press Conference | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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We need to resign Braxton and he should be a top priority. He is a elite kick and punt returner along with being able to play WR, great game and go Jets ✈️

Jay Boy

This guy and moore are the best WR Jets have he must come back

Sgt Beefcake

Please Extend him!!!


extend him joe douglas, the dude is a keeper

NC Vman

“Obviously” count: 11


    Lol that’s all?! I’ll have to rewatch, felt like he said it every other word. Props to him though, good game brax

Carmelo El bori's way

Berries is a spark ⚡️ plug 🔌


Way to Go! B2 Great game .

Eddy McGuire

Braxton – free spirit, always positive about others, living the best life.
Cimini – Krampus.
Connor – Stekkjarstaur.


    Cimini- Manish Mehta 2.0

    Eddy McGuire

    @DrewG lol — truth indeed!


“its a full onesie i had to step into it” we need to resign this man lmao

Value Books

GOAT, or rather reindeer, for that onesie.


Braxton was a leader in Miami University and he is one with us!!

Jon Cam

the next Edelman


    More like Wayne Chrebet!!

    Angel Sosa

    Without the roids

Blue Blood

Sign Braxton TODAY!

Bear 7453


jason katz

Loved his answer on chemistry with zach

mike mailei

dude is a baller zach should throw to him every play. 🤔


Give him the extension. All gas, no brake!

Eddie Chedz

JD needs to give this man an extension! He cannot repeat what Maccagnan did with Andre Roberts.

Ryu Ken

He can be our julian edelman

Nick C

Definitely a great player

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