“I Learn From How To Deal With The Highs & Lows” | Mike White Media Availability | The New York Jets – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Mike white QB1

    Rod Imhoff

    zack w is qb 1

    Zach Wilson’s Burner


    Zach Wilson’s Burner

    @Rod Imhoff W

Bear 7453

The ultimate one game wonder 😂


    Not cool

    Zach Wilson’s Burner


    Zach Wilson’s Burner

    @Tony X true


    @Tony X that’s way too kind! There’s a few other things I can think of.

Rod Imhoff

please start with zack w in jets vs jags

    Zach Wilson’s Burner


Hugo's Awesome Videos

Correction: “deal with the high and lows”


Mike’s a good QB. He’s still young; maybe he gets shot at QB1 with another team.

    Collin Ormsbee

    @Zach Wilson’s Burner haha yes

    Zach Wilson’s Burner

    @Collin Ormsbee no. Cmon ur name

    Collin Ormsbee

    @Zach Wilson’s Burner it aint wrong though

    Zach Wilson’s Burner

    @Collin Ormsbee I thought zachy was qb #1 tho


    he needs to pump weights cause he aint gonna last with that skinny body.

_ MeTHoD _

Demand a trade Mike White. You deserve better!

    Zach Wilson’s Burner

    @THE BOSS he did himself dirty

    Zach Wilson’s Burner

    @THE BOSS got it

    Zach Wilson’s Burner

    @THE BOSS k bet


    lol bro wht


The 🐐


It’s a disrespect having Zach Wilson as QB1

    Zach Wilson’s Burner

    It’s not

Gang Green

Talk about falling off the face of the earth in True Jet Fashion🤣


    He can be a good backup QB for a team, I’m glad we have him.


Thanks Mike White for being the only interesting thing we had to watch this year. Wish they gave you more of a chance… sadly, in this world not just football, a lot of people get more opportunities and it has nothing to do with being better or more skilled… he got drafted higher so he gets 99 chances… you get none


    @yup titans game was okay. If you consider that a good game I question your eyes. He made a few good throws but a lot of cringe in the game as well.

    Bengals are rated as a top 13 defense statistically and pff… and eye test they have been very solid.

    Again with the excuses. You have a million excuses for Zach no patience for mike. Typical mindless person who values where someone is picked over performance


    @JustinJets You have 0 patience with zach? huh bro your agenda is boring. It makes 0 sense for a team to value the number 2 overall pick on his rookie deal in the first year over a guy that lets just theoretically say mike white is league average top 20qb in the league. Then you have to pay him? 30 million a year? everything you say is just makes no sense. Im sorry to burst your bubble bro but mike white isnt that good and he isnt the next tom brady. IM sorry man. Let it go


    @yup we’ll never know what mike white could have been most likely, at least with us. Because we won’t give him another chance.

    League average QB’s don’t get 400 yard games… which I really believe mike white was going to get against the colts as well if he didn’t get pulled for injury. Take a quick look how many 400 yard games a QB like jimmy G have had in their ENTIRE CAREER and compare that to Mike White, who in 2 of his 3 starts did, and WOULD HAVE got 400 yards in. I believe mike white has much more potential than league average.


    @JustinJets well, you seem to be the only person holding him in such high regard. Best of luck with ur mike white fandom.


    @yup If you go by what the masses think, and say… man good luck to you…


Low key hoping Zach goes down so we can play the real goat Mike Fing White 🐐🐐🐐🐐

Lindles J

They didn’t give this kid a fair chance


Mike white should watch a football life of warren moon. Moon is pumping weights so he can take a hit and toss aside defenders. The only problem is Moon had a perfect spiral while string bean white tossed lollipops.

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