How Would Your Teammates Describe You? | Ultimate Teammate – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

How Would Your Teammates Describe You? | Ultimate Teammate

Buccaneers players answer the question: How would your teammates describe you? This video is presented by Frontier Communications.

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Mark Metzger


rino MyrtiLuci

Lovely 😍💋 💝💖❤️

Unreal Highlights

Bruh dean can never find the camera, he looking all over the place😂

rco lbackMirc

Very happy 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

Rawle Springer

lol man brate should get into stand up

Tibor Menyhart

Very funny, verry handsome….. THE BEST ❤️

Goomsquadnation 420

Good stuff 😆

Jamie Mayes

brate never gets enough love. still the best TE on our roster IMO

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