How the Broncos can turn things around | The Neutral Zone – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

I thought the Broncos hated the Raiders, why would Russ exchange jerseys with Carr? Go Hawks, Lets Fly.


They get 10 days between games to get healthy, Dulcich, ojemudia are back. Turner and meinerz should be there. Hackett has 10 days to get his 💩 together. They hopefully show significant improvement there’s no more excuses.

Dark Dan

Will be updating the yard and 2nd living room this season, I won’t be sad about watching the game because I won’t be, I’m tired of all of losing already…

    Alessandro Rhymes

    Good, Broncos don’t need any fair weather fans anyway! 💯👏🏻

Troy Booker

C’mon guys, what’s with the audio 🧐

Troy Booker

Phil on the right channel, Aric on the left…seems when things aren’t going bad!


A bus accident?

Adam Kern

Maybe the Broncos keep losing because eric and sydney keeps picking us to win every game😂, I want all of you picking the chargers this week get it together!!


Make a turnaround Trade Russ for Rush 😆

    👑 Mean Queen Jeannie 👑

    Trade Russ for almost anyone! LOL

👑 Mean Queen Jeannie 👑

Russ was exposed on TNF. Maybe the O line, knowing then, what we know now, is tired of Russ’ word vomit and platitudes and really can’t stand him. Maybe instead of “letting Russ cook”, they’re just letting him get cooked. Nah, I’m just kidding, our team is far too great to sabotage themselves just to try to squash Russ’ massive ego that’s thinly veiled with false humility and all his attempts to look like the most charitable person who ever lived. Ugh. Nauseating.

esbardo hernandez

you should have some one actually watching the online live so that you can see or not hear the audio.

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