How much could reinforcements returning from IR help the Broncos in L.A.? | Broncos Country Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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We need Patrick and Williams miracles

Dominic Bozonier

We need will fuller john ross and kevin king from free agency Hinton and Cleveland aren’t doing the job, cut gordon and sign jordan Howard he’s a free agent, play jalen virgil and Montreal Washington and demari Mathis more

    Faris Waqar

    will fuller hasnt played a full szn, john ross is overated, i would say if obj is avaliable take that

    Joseph Clark

    Keep it going

    Kevin Moore

    OBJ? That’d be a massive miracle for us.

Ace _Islaughter

We need to start playing sum real ball

Don Flamenco

Can any of the reinforcements play QB?

    Insxne szn™️

    God I hope

    TheReel TravisScott

    Oh no it’s fine….Hackett said it’s only growing pains! 🙄

    Faris Waqar

    guys take it easy, I am not saying russ is completely innocent but come on. It takes time to mesh together, All the throws missed on sunday was just accuracy issues when the offencive line crumbled, 4 sacks for a mid level pass rush is bad


    @Faris Waqar No! He clearly did not know where his reads were. I don’t think he understands the playbook. His throws led recievers to the defense, when they were clearly running to open grass. Not a good sign.

David Burkart

This is the storyline;
1) Return from Injury Performances
2) Performances of “Next Man Up”
3) 50% Red Zone Success
4) 50% Penalty Reduction
5) +35 Min Time of Possession

Short of this, the Chargers will blow us out. Meet these parameters & we have a shot at an MNF win. This does not factor in which Russell Wilson will show up, which is kind of the point. He has yet to be “the guy”, so hit the above parameters so that with or without extraordinary/elite QB1 peformance, you put yourself in a position to control the game by reducing the defensive mandate to give us a win.

Gabe Rox

Can Dulcich catch? if we need anything it’s someone that can make tough contested catches.

    Bill Bell Ell

    Dulcich has the best TE hands for Denver since Sharpe.

iLL Rey Tito

Be nice for the offense to finally put it all together this game and moving forward. Let’s go Broncos.

Mike Taylor

I expect them to win. Wilson throws 4 touchdowns. Red zone will get better. Big game versus raiders. Quick weak and guys didn’t play well. Pride kicks in and the offense works better




The D hasn’t been the problem, but it would still be nice to have all hands on deck…

Edward Goniee

Time to hit the PANIC BUTTON!!!!!

Bill Bell Ell

What about Turner? Definitely start Ojemudia.

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