How Marcus Mariota’s skillset makes this Falcons offense special | Atlanta Falcons | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

How Marcus Mariota’s skillset makes this Falcons offense special | Atlanta Falcons | NFL

D.J. Shockley breaks down what Marcus Mariota has been doing under center that has given this Falcons offense an edge.

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Marcus is getting more comfortable and better in the offense. Marcus continue cooking out there bro 😤

    Dennis Dumancas

    Yes agreed.


Mariota made that same outside pocket pass to PH time and time again at UofO. Cover comes off of the receiver to stop the running QB, leaving the receiver wide open. Easiest on the run pass ever. Time and time again.

Ken Chan

Great analysis! Mariota is a hell of a play maker!

    Dennis Dumancas

    I agree…
    On the high note Marcus ALWAYS gives credit to his teammates…

Mister Ph

Our fans base will watch this… even after his best game as a Falcon on Sunday and still have higher expectations. Lol. THE CITY IS BEHIND YOU MM1. Let’s continue to shock the world 🌎. 🦅

    Dennis Dumancas

    🙏 🙏 🙏


I told you guys you would be jumping in your seat with Mariota. He is a team builder, may not be the best QB but he can get ok guys working together to win games.

Cashflow is Contagious!

Thank you Shock for showing what kind of man we have behind the ball…excellent breakdown!

    Dennis Dumancas

    Yes. Totally agree

SFC Bolted Duck

Excellent video my bro! I’m a big Mariota fan from back at Oregon (GoDucks) I understand his talent level and how he has been misused so far in the nfl. Til now, which is why Smith wanted him so bad. Ryan signed the contract and Smith called Mariota and said “he’s gone you can come in now” lol but seriously you have educated me on a few points I hadn’t picked up on. I love the audibles at the line (proving he reads defenses—-all you haters) anyways great video please keep ‘em coming

    Dennis Dumancas

    I am in total agreements…
    I’m from Hawaii and followed Marcus from his high school at St. Louis to Oregon, Tennessee 😥 Raiders now his next LEVEL to prove to the HATERS he’s a GREAT quarterback…
    Be healthy team FALCONS…
    🙏 🙏 🙏


    Late into his career at Tennessee is when he usually started calling audibles..and hes really good at seeing him do more of it this year, but alot ppl think he might be calling audibles and sometimes he calls line protection

    Preston C

    Go Ducks!!!!!

Mr Motivator

I’m happy Marcus and Desmond ridder is in Atlanta I’m hyped

Johnny L Chalk

I love this. Thank u for breaking it down for us. Marcus does a lot of intangible things I love how you highlighted it

    Dennis Dumancas

    Fantastic analytics…

Tattooed Geezer

He’s what we’ve needed for a long time.

    Dennis Dumancas


Patrick Cash

Confirms my gut feeling that stats don’t show the whole picture in Mariots’s case. Fortunate the see the Browns game in person


I find it funny how everyone is waking up to Marcus. Watch some his games in TN and you will see that raw skill. Age has made him better

    Fire lab studio Productions

    They would rather watch week six of 2019 and then tell you about how Tannehill took his job. And that he doesn’t deserve redemption and how he just a bridge to the franchise guy.

    Fire lab studio Productions

    These critics of mariota will continue to hate and wanna replace him because they don’t understand his strengths on the field and what kind of quarterback Arthur wants on that field. They wanna see 3500 plus passing yards and passing TDS. They wanna see 60 yard pass catches every other down and laser accuracy while doing it. No interceptions no fumbles and a qb that does all that while running like Lamar Jackson. So delusional these guys are… they think some one is supposed to come off the bench after two seasons and just be perfect and make no mistakes while building his confidence back. None of these quarterbacks in the league are perfect. The NFL have built a favoritism of air raid style qbs.

Jarvase dundy

Marcus Mariota strength is him being mobile. Up until the 49ers game, he was playing averaged. This is the Mariota we need for the rest of the season. Cause it will be games, where the run game isn’t always going to work. And we’re going to have to put the ball in his hands.

    Dennis Dumancas

    Hopefully his RECEIVERS and O line with THE D line continues to protect and stop opponents….🙂

Caleb Carmichael

As Long as he’s our quarterback we will win games and we have great rookies that can step up and make plays.

Alex Kennedy

I said that before and I am saying again that Mariota is a franchise qb.Some of you think that he is just a transit and ya’ll are wrong. If he keeps playing and developing the way he does he will be due for a big contract in couple years. It will be no reason to bench the man for a unproven rookie. With all due respect to Rider and the rest of you my dearest Falcons fans. I still am Ryan’s fan and I will always will, but Mariota has given a new life to my beloved Falcons. Thanks Markus for being here.

John Chandler

Great analysis. Thank you. I’m a new fan from Nashville. I’ve seen Marcus win a lot of games as a Titan. After the nerve damage to his hand, he lost some accuracy which is probably why Tannehill got his second shot. Marcus probably needed a long time to heal. He is back and looking strong. He never made excuses and is the ultimate team guy. He is one of the good guys and I hope and pray he stays healthy and the Falcons keep getting better. The Falcons are the number one team in the NFL against the spread. Keep it up and let´s win the division. Arthur Smith, Dean Pees and Marcus are all class guys and winners.



Bridget Kelsey

Marcus has made our
Offense so much better!!!❤ Keep up the Good work Mariota!!!

Josh Hayes

Marcus is gettin comfy in tha offense now and there more in rhythm than they have ever been in that last game so I’m super stoked and anxious to see what we can do on tha road in cincy.. cold weather.. Havent been Excited to watch tha games in awhile.. Man it feels Awesome!!!


That 3rd & 13 play by MM had me yelling RUN !! Great work Mariota Keep Fighting !! #RiseUp

Shane 404

He’s getting better every week, and he’s minimizing the turnovers. He’s definitely earned his spot so far, I’m glad to have him on our team.

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