How many wins is a new head coach worth to the Broncos? | The Neutral Zone – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

How many wins is a new head coach worth to the Broncos? | The Neutral Zone

On this episode of "The Neutral Zone," Phil Milani and Aric DiLalla discuss how many wins the Broncos' new head coach will be worth for Denver. They then wrap up the show with shoutouts.

00:00-8:41 Intro
08:42-54:26 How many wins is a new coach worth?
54:27 Shoutouts/Close

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If the broncos offense gained a yard for every time the podcast says “non traditional spellings” we would finish the season as the 30th ranked offense.


    Is this true? If so then 👏👏

Garett Robertson

In many contexts, value means to have high impact at low cost. It would certainly be interesting to see a vote based on that criterion.

Zenobia K Dithers

Even if they had kept Hackette for next season, they would likely have MORE wins.
Getting IR players back. Young kids with more experience. More familiarity with the system and each other.
MORE wins ain’t the right metric.
Double digit wins and in the playoffs… Or BUST.


What do you call three podders? (C’mon, you can get this one)

Ace King

We can keep changing coaches but it’s not going to fix the root problem that’s Russell Wilson. It’s hard to win games with a washed up QB.

Darin Tadlock

Christmas Day “slay ride”!

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