How Drew Lock and the Broncos offense can find rhythm early in games | Broncos Beat – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Kinda happy we lost this one tbh shows the team we cant rely on 4th qtr heroics earlier than later

Jordan Lopez

Please let Drew Lock play like how he does in the fourth!

Michael Crabtree

Get in coordination with your recievers and make sure they get that ball for 7 + yds. Defense gotta step up when they challenge the Raiders. Communication has to be on point. Execute and follow through on big plays. If it aint working….run the ball!!! Get the yardage and help your team. Derek carr is a scrambler…why cant drew lock be a scrambler too…offense gotta get going. 3rd down efficiency gotta get better. Dropbacks cant happen…you have to move forward better. Work with the offense and fire that football to your recievers. 1st half has to be explosive. Just gotta have a better offense. Rushing has to be led by the running backs. Dial up and get that football down the field and score. Go broncos!!

God'sNotDead 00

Get out in the first quarter and second quarter firing at it. Stop handling off to Gordon, Lindsay.

    Just Coolan

    Couldn’t agree more, Lindsay is considerably better than Gordon


    Give Lindsay the ball more

    God'sNotDead 00

    @DWilkinsWorld our OL sucks! They can’t block for Lindsay or Gordon 😫😫😫

Christian Reiling

Man… these reporters are pretty cringe… every loss is on Drew and every win has to do with something else. Its Drews fault the Oline sucks… its Drew’s fault the running game sucks….


    It’s Drew’s that he sucks.

Ironeagle 777

get Phillip Lindsay and Noah Fant more involved! Fant is an absolute matchup nightmare!

Darville Leonard

Happy BD🎂🥳🥳🎂🎂 To Drew Lock 🥳🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂🥳🥳🥳

Hey Miguel

He’s trash, stop hyping him and admit it.

Brad Delany

Whoa Blucifer! BRONCOS IN A NUTSHELL! They are incredibly young at skill positions across the board. They have a basically new team and OC. This combination of linked inexperience and youth allows for a lot of mistepping and slow starts, as other teams nfl experience overcomes them. After half time break, that youth allows them to recover better, and it plays out in the second half as the slightly older challengers fade to Denver’s youth, which brings a lasting speed and strength to the game in the 4th quarter. Once their linked experience, from success in the 4th, bleeds over into their starts, this team will dominate for several years on that youth factor as it comes into its own.

Michael Crabtree

Start out faster and be more explosive….get off the hut and throw for the score. Start quickly broncos… gotta get faster…go broncos!!

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