Honoring Juneteenth

As the world continues to heal from trying times, there’s a great deal of mending that must occur for tomorrow to be as bright as we expected. But as we peer down the road and into the future, we see light uniting the community.





FroTooGo #DontLetItGetNappy

Lets go 2 for 3 in super bowl boys 2022 is pur year lets RUN IT BACK !!!!!!

Strange boii

Great video ( gooooo chiefs )

Zeke Zeke

✍️We ain’t Free, until all of us are Free!!!βœŠπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¬πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¬πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¬
Go Chiefs!!!πŸ’ͺ

    Jabari Cambridge



    True freedom isn’t for anyone except billionaires unfortunately.

noah watson


Ian Imhof

Am I the only one who thinks Emancipation Day would sound way better than Juneteenth?



    Jabari Cambridge

    It means the same thing so I’m fine with it

    Franz Weinhardt

    Yeah would make more sense, but like this its easier to remember when it is

Franz Weinhardt

Thats why we love KC and Tyrann <3

    Sean Hettenbach

    Why because they pander and virtue signal? They need to quit virtue signaling and focus on the game.


Thanks πŸ₯°

xWFxStorm Gaming

Happy Juneteenth day ✊🏿✊🏿

    Naveen's Sports Quarter


Sam Deabler

Thank you for acknowledging this. Classy organization

    Jabari Cambridge


Naveen's Sports Quarter

Thank you Chiefs for acknowledging this holiday. Thank you Tyrann Matthieu for always being a inspiration

    Jabari Cambridge


Erik Buller

Happy Juneteenth Chiefs!!!


Patrick Mahomes will retire before Tom Brady πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


    You got a life besides spamming?

    R P

    @Jerid58 You got a life besides replying to my comments? 🀑


I visited a special place: the Mount Rushmore of QBs. The greatest to ever do it. Faces like Montana, Manning & Drew Brees were etched in it. And on top of this mountain was a 100 ft Greek god statue with Tom Brady’s face etched in it who stands above them all.

Yet I noticed there was a large group of NFL fans who seemed slightly unbalanced, unhinged even, at the bottom of the mountain surrounding this shiny pebble named Patrick Mahomes. They paid no attention to the mountain or the Greek god statue on top of the mountain. Instead they were pleasuring themselves to this tiny pebble & claiming it was greater than the mountain & the statue on top of the mountain.

They appeared to be very low IQ people. I asked them some questions & realized they’re fell into 2 camps. Pathetic Chiefs fans & delusional Mahomes fans who get overly excited by physical talent & seemed to have zero idea of the mental aspects of what it means to be a great QB. They reveled in their own self importance & continued to genuflect to this shiny pebble which in their mind was greater than the mountain & it’s majestic 100 ft statue that stood before them.

Delusional, low IQ fans indeed



Tom Brady will lead the Bucs to first ever 20 and 0 season beating Mahomes again to win his 8th ring
Brady will then become the 1st quarterback in SB history to 3peat beating Mahomes for a 3rd time winning his 9th ring
Brady will retire and the Tom Brady 2.0, Mac Jones-led Patriots will win 3 rings in the next decade
Mahomes will accumulate multiple injuries due to his style of play and retire as a one and done SB winner
Mahones fans will still say he’s the greatest ever publicly while privately they cry in their pillows every night πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€‘

    Rob First

    You need to go that way πŸ‘‰πŸΌ with all that!!


Tom Brady owns the Chiefs
Tom Brady owns the Chiefs’ fans
Tom Brady owns Patrick Mafraud
Tom Brady owns Patrick Mafraud fans
Tom Brady owns your salty tears
Tom Brady owns your empty souls

    Neil Reid

    The Chiefs lost to Tampa because the Buccaneers’ front 4 beat the Chiefs’ offensive line. Hopefully the Chiefs have fixed that problem. So be good Tampa. Don’t trip up on the way to the rematch. Then we will see how things go. My money is on the best QB IN THE WORLD PATRICK MAHOMES!! CHIEFS

codename kid next door

Dude the honey badger is truly a chief this is his home.

Hog Farmer

I’m wth you , lets celebrate the flight of the black man. But where’s the chance for the white man to celebrate his struggles?

Sean Hettenbach

Quit virtue signaling. This is why we lost the super bowl last year. You guys keep pandering to the public instead of focusing on the game. You didn’t see Tom Brady making commercials, or videos did you?

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