Highlights: Veteran Minicamp Day 1 | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Longer videos pls


This offense is gonna be a WHOLE lot different I can tell. The biggest question mark is our oline so I think signing Moses would be the cherry on top of this offseason

    J Dolo

    Rather get cb. Gilmore or sherman …There will be OL available and we good already

Cody K

Can the season hurry up already?!?

Jesse B

Hmmm…… that deep ball looked good from Dalton, that quick slant from fields to Arob, got me excited and BoJack looks good in that number 4.

Also please make these longer

    Brandon O'Neil

    @James Martin Wow Lmao


    @James Martin infiltration at it’s finest..slacker fan 4 sure.

    Jack Breuhaus

    @FACTS ONLY Settle down with the elitism guys. Let’s not be a toxic fanbase.

    J Dolo

    @James Martin never heard him called BoJack either. It don’t even make sense

    Lando Green


Ascension 3030

Great to see Arob on the field. Eddie Goldman better get his head out his a$$ and show up

    Seve Productions

    That’s one way to put it lol

    Ernest Martin

    Yeah dude’s pissing me off. Wtf is his problem now?

    Craig Finley

    @Ernest Martin exactly. He sat out a whole year, dude needs to get back to work

    Ernest Martin

    @Craig Finley Agreed… the guy acts like he doesn’t wanna play. Or maybe he’s gained a lot of weight and scared to show his neglect

    ItsMachineGunToni OnSoundCloudLookMeUp

    Quit bashing lmao. Y’all know he opted out of the season because he has asthma and it was when covid first really started i mean you can’t really blame him

Brandan Morris

Ya know it’d be nice if y’all can post OTA Camp Videos longer than 1 minute

    Kid Lu

    Was thinking the same sheesh

    Brandon O'Neil

    That might be all there allowed to show

James Martin

I’m so stoked to see Hicks out there. To think they had rumors of his being traded. My favorite human being on the Bears planet.

    David Blais

    Does Hicks look like he lost a bunch of weight?


    @David Blais yea it does look like he did


    AKIEM HICKS literal BEAR feed that man his salmon

    Joel Fernandez

    Akiem Hicks, “Gatekeeper”. That shall be his nickname.


BoJack in that visor looks 🔥

Thomas Adams

Very interested in our TE lineup after camp!!


    Remember we had like 9 TEs a couple years ago… and they all sucked.

Joe, a servant to Christ

I dont mind dalton starting, let’s make sure the o-line is good before bringing in justin.

    Marco C

    Having Aaron Donald in your face is a tough start to anyone’s career


    @Marco C exactly fields should not be starting week 1 against that defense. That’s waaaaay too much in a guys first game

Mr. chaseabag Wonderful

I look so forward to see justin out there but Matt say Andy is QB1 so let get behind him Beardown

George B

I’m so happy we kept hicks

    J Dolo

    Its not trade deadline yet

Joel Fernandez

Fields to A-Rob is gonna be 🔥 🔥

john centeno

i like the few passes from Dalton throwing guys open

ZJ The rapper

Eddie Jackson definitely could play receiver lmaooo

Its Bear

Big Dawgs are back!!!🔥💪💪

ben hickey

You guys finally have the fan base excited and invested in the team again and yet you continue to put out these sorry a$$ highlight videos. Give us something to watch cmon

David Jin

Darnell Mooney looks like he’s flying when he runs and cuts


0:48 wtf, actually good throw dalton

    Kelvin D

    Bro dalton can throw. You gotta look up his highlights


i like how running backs always finish the play, even though there’s no tackling. i always find that funny for some reason.

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