Herbert On Playoffs Significance – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Optimus Rhyme

Gonna need a new GM and staff for playoffs.


    @Robert Alas exactly litteraly 0 depth year in year out

    Vincent Schmidt

    @MediCali951 such bs bro. He can only draft in rounds 1 and 2 lmfao he’s trash

    Anthony Navarro

    @MediCali951Telesco drafts very well in the 1st round then he rewards himself with sleep for the rest of the draft😭😔

    Jr Gartrell

    ​@A we actually had pretty solid depth to start the year but literally everyone is getting hurt lol

    Randall Turner

    Yeah, it’s not Telesco and it’s not coaching. It might feel good to blame someone but it’s hard to see how. Frustrating.

Dan Newth

The chargers need tackles to heal!

Shiba Inu Des

Hope Herbert has an Awesome game.

Pacific Beatz

Sorry you had to go through this Herb. You deserve a real staff.

Aaron Burns

Why do people keep acting like trying to make the playoffs is the goal. Being a good enough team that playoffs are a given is the goal, the only thing the Chargers could expect if they somehow made the playoffs would be an eventual asskicking by a quality team. Chargers tear ACLs playing Madden.


I love Herbert and he always says the right things. But when Derek Carr cried after their L to the Colts, they won 3 straight. And sometimes that’s what you need to change the attitude of the team. Would love for Herb to learn how to exhibit some fire or a little more passion. If he learns to build that part of his character, I believe that will go a long way.


Injuries and butter defense no matter who we sign 😮‍💨 also no speed at wr is sad

Cristian Lopez

Bruh better win vs the fins or we going home with the raiders and broncos

    Randall Turner

    Anybody thinking Chargers can do more than say they’ll try is being foolish at this point. And no we’re not likely to win many more games at all, let alone make the playoffs. C’mon, man, we just lost Joseph-Day and Callahan. Now Derwin’s hurt too?


Love watching him play. Great attitude.


Highs & Lows, Bolt 4 Life!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️


They better. Coming in this season I thought they had it with their defense improvements. But with Keenan and Mike being out I wouldn’t expect much, they have their excuse unless they blow leads.

Jacob Cole

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo chargers



    Aaron Adams


Eduardo DeColosio

Most of you taking the easy route if blaming the coaches. Yet special teams is the best it’s ever been cuz of this staff, draft as a whole has been the best it’s been since Staley joined. TT had terrible drafts except for some obvious picks like Bosa and Derwin, Herbert was luck cuz it would have been Tua had he been there at 6. Don’t forget Tillery was a TT first round pick, Murray was a trade up pick. Sure that was on Lynn as well but look how much better picks have been under Staley. Palmer, Salyer, great finds. Hell they even coached up our right tackle.
Is this staff perfect Hell no, but you so called fans need to stop acting like there hasn’t been some major improvements. Staley came into a mess of a team. And has had only two years to fix things and a lot has gotten fixed.
Strength and conditioning was a brand new staff last year. What magical things do you think other staffs learn? All these PT/sports science people study the same stuff and have the internet, there’s no secret formulas. These people want to keep their jobs as well so I’m sure they are studying all the latest things and trying everything they can to keep these guys healthy. For christs sake it’s an LA team you think the best and brightest don’t want to live out here?🤷‍♂️

Ricardo Sotosan

true leader


Lets Go ! Bolt up


Bolts have been seriously hit by the injury bug this season… BIG TIME!
They’re hanging tough.,..

Mike Geee

Even if we squeak into the playoffs. Coaching staff needs overhaul

Mrs. Gordon


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