Hear from Coach and Tua after our Week 2 comeback win in Baltimore! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Gameplay 101

As a Ravens fan. Y’all deserved and fought for that win more than we did. Good luck this season 🎉


    Likewise man, your team played lights out! I think BAL can take the AFC North. Hopefully our teams meet again in the playoffs 🙏🏻

    John B

    So nice of them to rest Dobbins this week. No doubt with Dobbins this victory goes the other way but it didn’t and we lost!!!! Good job Dolphins for capitalizing. You deserved the win!

    Ethan H White

    Respect to y’all man, Lamar is always a blast to watch. Regards from a Tua super fan

    Jason Keck

    Straight up class man! Good on ya. Keep your head up bro, wish all fans were like you.

    Forty glock

    Much respect for that. I been a dolphins fan for over 20 years and this team never get the respect they deserve.

Aidan Castro

love our coach and this team


    To be honest he sounds like he had a few drinks at halftime but good job for tua today

Tim Mazies

WOW! Unbelievable performance by Tua!! Even more amazing given how LJ played. Man Miami has some unbelievable weapons this year but I was extremely impressed by his ability to avoid pressure and find his guys time and time again. Can’t wait to see how he follows it up at home against the Buffalo, may be the most exciting game WK 3 🎉

Martina Davies

Franchise Tua leading the Dolphins to victory. Defense also turned it around second half with some crucial stops!
Mcdaniel looks like he was born to be our HC.
Phins Up 🐬

    Depressed Dolphins fan

    @King Tide it’s hard to argue a 460 yard game, that first half was horrible though.


    @Depressed Dolphins fan We should seriously consider drafting Van Dyke. Getting rid of Teddy and having Skylar as backup, Tua as starter, and TVD as 3rd Stringer, that sets us up for the future.

    King Tide

    @Depressed Dolphins fan im not like a tua homer, need to see that he can continue to look like this. That being said i don’t think he looked horrible in the first half. We were getting blown out so the tensions/emotions were higher so more of the blame fell on him. Really it was 2 ill advised passes. Obviously needs to clean that up, but realistically I’m fine seeing those as long as he follows them up with good play, which he did. Every qb throws picks. But also the entire offense looked fairly out of sorts in the first half.


    @Depressed Dolphins fan 🤣🤣


    @MoonlightUmbreon🌙 The issue is if we trade up for Van Dyke, we for sure will kill Tua’s confidence and we’re not gonna use a first round pick and give up more for a quarterback just to have him be a third string. I do agree about cutting Teddy Bridgewater or trade him to 49ers or Cowboys since their main quarterback is out. I do want Van Dyke, but let’s see just how far we get with Tua. This year is his final chance especially with the new HC who supports Tua and with all the weapons he has now on offense.

Beas Family Tv

Great job guys. Yes I had the feeling it was going to happen. 🙌🏾🙌🏻🐬🐬🐬🐬❤️

Phin Fella

That’s my coach, that’s my QB, that’s my team!!!!


    No it’s Ace Ventura’s team! Don’t you remember

Michael Angelo Midnight

Gameplay 101 as a lifetime Dolphins fan…I appreciate your upscale good sportsmanship. The Ravens are and always have been a Superbowl caliber team. What a game ,what a game! I thank you and wish you a great season.
You guys are gonna be a tough tough team to beat


from a Ravens fan, way to stick through this and fight for the win. well see you in the playoffs though!


    please stomp the pats next week. Your ravens have to be frustrated so I feel your ravens will rebound big time next week. And take their frustration out on the pats lol. Pats won, but I thought their offense looked like crap and won becausse steelers offense is anemic. Lamar is a much much better qb than mitch and much better offense. He balled out, it was just where Tua got the last score at the end.

Saint Michael

Phenomenal team effort today! I couldn’t be happier for Tua. This performance should silence his doubters.

    Daniel Heinlein

    The haters will never be silenced miami can have a perfect season and win the super bowl and they still going to be hating.


Finally, a real coach. Finally a real QB.

    Bryan Gonzalez

    I agree James and Tua did shut up many haters in this game and I hope we continue this way and make some noise in the playoffs and Phins Up James because the future is bright

    Randle P McMurphy

    Waddle was something else aswell, even when trailing big he was there making catches and driving us forward, yeah Hill is a beast but Waddle for me has just as high a ceiling.

Andres GC

Congrats Dolphins. As a Rams fan, I hope that you will learn from this and go on and win the division!!


I haven’t felt this optimistic since the Marino era. Great coaching, great play and an outstanding Team effort.
We beat a great team playing their best football today, and I am fired up!

    purple perc

    Idk how great they are I mean they aren’t a playoff team but still a good win you have to beat the historically good teams even if they no longer have and historic defense

Jake Kupscuk

I feel so happy for this kid Super star at Bama, Broken Hip, drafted to a team with no support or weapons, bad coach who couldn’t stand him, Watson rumors and finally healthy with weapons he needs. That is so much he went through for no reason should have never happened

    ralph bryant

    Roll Tide. As a Bama I was frustrated how commentators talked about what he couldn’t do. Then he have a game like this. I’m really cheering for Tua!


    Don’t forget all those analysts and media people who seem to hold a personal grudge against him for some reason. I bet after this great win, all they’ll talk about was the 2 picks and the under thrown deep balls to Hill.


    Flores was mind fn Tua, taking him out for Fitz. Some coaches … Flores, Zimmer, Shanahan … just don’t have the patience for young QBs who make mistakes. McDaniel looks like a good one.

    Jake Kupscuk

    @purple perc I was upset that Flo was fired but I’m happy he is gone after we found out what he did

    Spencer Selph

    “Adversity is opportunity”


I’m a fan of 42 years, grew up watching with my dad when I was in diapers. It’s been a long road to get here, but we are now here, congrats guys! We have a team with heart and skill, a great coach and a great QB1. Very proud!

    Fritter Foof

    The season is 2 games old , the defense played bad for 50 mins , they gave up 6 at kickoff , 16 games in you can talk .


    @Fritter Foof thank you for your permission 🤣


    @Fritter Foof if you know football, then you know this was a comeback win in a hostile environment vs. a very talented team, and it was built on multiple adjustments, schemes, and very efficient. Thos was not a fluke, this was a talented team that regained composure and executed at a high level. 💪

    Glenn Kamp

    @richscep1 well said brother

    Marcus Davis

    were you born in 1978??

Troy Ortiz

Amazing game. One of those you’ll always remember.

Gary Gordon

Super exciting and edge of the seat action in the 4th!! One of the best performances second half I think I’ve ever seen. Go Dolphins!!!

Dave Martin

What a career defining performance for tua: the poise, maneuvering in the pocket, and he was throwing darts with confidence. Lets go!

James Toland

Love how Tua gave his game ball to the whole team! Leadership comes in many different forms.

S5 Nova

On my mothers life I have never talked bad about Tua I have always thought he was a great qb surrounded in the wrong group and mike and this new dolphins team has definitely shown that is true! Most electric most exciting team in football right now I guessed a 12 win season but I think this a repeat of the 78 szn

Oliver Crespo

“It’s just a bigger celebration when you come through” words of wisdom for real.

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