James Booth

Crazy that Teddy never had a confirmed concussion. He was called out of a game because of a wobble (on video there was no wobble). Because of that, he wasn’t able to practice almost the entire week because he was in concussion protocol.

Kenny Pickett had a confirmed concussion on Sunday, hands went up near his head as well. Yet, less than 24 hours later, Pickett was allowed to practice in full while being in concussion protocol. The NFL, saying they care so much for player safety, why was Pickett allowed to practice in full right away? Or was he not allowed to, but an experienced coach like Tomlin somehow magically forgot the rules?

Any NFL investigation into that? Or do we only investigate the Dolphins?

    Humberto Sosa

    I thought the same thing like something ain’t right they always target the miami dolphins they most hate on us cause of the beautiful weather 305 fins up

aj ferrara

I love what this man has done to this team but I feel like it’s so hard to listen to him talk cuz he talks so slowly and it seems like he doesn’t know what he’s trying to say

    mr z

    @Miami 305 I am wondering if they got that new ping pong table yet??

    John-Edward Alley, Jr.

    Most very intelligent people either stutter or have pauses as their brain is moving so fast…?


    @Daniel Castillo lol I actually did that and it works lol

    Hunter H

    I personally love it. He actually stops to think about what he’s going to say, unlike most of the robot coaches who are just wired to automatically repeat the same coachspeak garbage. He also makes sure the media is respected and are valued members of the coverage of the team with his thought out answers. And like others have mentioned, he has to choose carefully how he addresses all of the injury questions due to confidentiality/gameplanning. I can deal with a few “uhs” and “ums” because I know he’s actually giving a well thought out answer

    Steven Simmons

    I agree completely. It is emotionless and makes you want to go to sleep,

Jack Sultan

Zen Meister….. Let’s go get a solid win

James Hribar

He is very dilibrant in what he says, if you notice he will start to answer a question then stop and go a different direction.
Give reporters an answer without really revealing anything.
Agreed tho, makes it hard to listen to at times.

    mr z

    If this is the way he communicates with players that’s a problem.

John Hernandez

How many uhhs & umms does McDaniels say? God its umm painful to uhh hear him uhhh speak. 😵‍💫

    Anthony 25

    He’s a smart dude, love it!!!

    finfan FORLIFE

    I speed the playback up to 1.75 because he speaks so slow.


    Totally agree…his uhhs & umms are so annoying.

    Austin Greene

    @Grandizer12 don’t watch then?

James Havlin

If you have no intellect then he makes no sense to you..Go PHINS!

Anthony 25

Reporters can be so annoying!


Take a shot every time Coach says “uhhs & umms”. C’mon Coach, you are too smart to be fumbling/thinking of what you should say next, after you asked a question.

Justin Cohen

Socrates, philosophies, and hypothesis

L.A.W 100442

Is our coaches are bad!!! Or our player’s that bad O-line?

m torr

Hey children, how about we like…not judge someone because of the way they speak and maybe just..listen?


1.25x speed seems just about right

Tracy H

Really like Coach Mike! He seems straightforward and fair! Glad that Miami 🐬 has him! 👍🏻


And I thought Philbin had dry press conferences…

Larry Meyer

I love those throw back Jerseys!! I am a long time Dolphins fan!! Can you bring back For the long term The throw back jerseys from the early 1970s!!!!

Neal Northway

I appreciate him being real with his comments. Year 1 building renew culture

Jon Hamilton

Let’s see if O-line can get 6 penalties in a row this week. Curious if Tua will survive the entire game.


Love mike! Great coach and the guys love playing for him. If we can keep guys healthy, we can make a run for it!

Twisted Nut Brothers

Do 1.25 x playback speed. It sounds so much more normal lol

Cody O'Dea

I desperately want to hear him uncensored in a meeting room with his players talking x’s and o’s.

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