Ummmm? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Alex Crockett

Bahaha 🀣 coach is a funny guy ain’t he. What a breath of fresh air


    You ask him an odd question about the punter, and you get a funny answer. πŸ˜†

Johnny Lightning

We have the best team and the best fans and the best coaches in the NFL Phins UP!!!

    Mike Gowdy

    Johnny Lighting and wif we start off the season 1-4 or 0-4 what will you be saying then? SMH

    Dan Pilarski

    @Mike Gowdy i would say that whatever your on ill take 2

    hahah lol

    @Dan Pilarski lmaooo hook me up also

    Mike Gowdy

    @Dan Pilarski I would say I am on the truth 😊

Johnny Lightning

OMG what a GREAT head coach

Johnny Lightning

This is the most excitement since Dan Marino showed up.

    Kaps is back

    Just to lose to us!! 🀣🀣 can’t wait see u Sunday

    Dringo Tango

    @Kaps is back why would the Dolphins lose to the Patriots? Do you believe in miracles or something?

Eric Storm

A coach with a football IQ. Got to love it as a fan.

    lil Sebastian

    He’s either a genius or a total stooge. We’re going to find out on Sunday.

    Kaps is back

    Not like bill bellicheck

RB Blanco

McDaniel is Napoleon Dynamite and Mclovin mixed together.

    lil Sebastian

    We’re going to find out on Sunday if he’s a genius or a total stooge.

Michael Mcclellan

Anyone think Mike looks like logic

    Rod Larry

    Would be pretty funny if Logic came out fir a presser.

Jethro C

Lol “kick it further than I can”

Jason Nagel

Tua Phins Up! Tua more practices! Let’s go!!

Daniel Ashford

I’m *Rooting!* πŸ€™πŸ½for you Coach McDaniels let’s *Whoop* these Pats @ss! πŸ™Š #🐬’sUp


Coach had a lot of tricks no one has seen. This is really gonna be an awesome season.

    Kaps is back

    Yup after week 1 losers!!

James Havlin

Go Yale! Go Dolphins!

    Kaps is back

    Go pats!! 0 -1 dolphins

lil Sebastian

Pat McAfee won the punt, pass, and kick competition and was a great punter.


    the exception proves the rule, he was a kicker in college primarily, and never held for kickers until after he was drafted

Jason Keck

Ok …. Mike is blowing smoke when it comes to Noah … everybody and their guide dogs can see this guy is a bust! Hate to say it … get no joy from it … I wish he was what he was suppose to be .. but he’s not. Doesn’t even belong on the practice squad if you can’t even get on the field and be competent after 2 years.

    Fwea Kidd

    Facts still hoping he get better since he still here lmao

Jared Bryan

My God I hope McDaniel is speaking that into iggy. Cause he has been getting cooked all preseason. Basically anytime a receiver changes directions.

John-Edward Alley, Jr.

I Love this, Guy!!!

John-Edward Alley, Jr.

I don’t miss FLO!! Wish him well in PA!!


I always enjoy Mike’s interviews he keeps it real but keeps it light And funny

Crack Me Up

All this hype for a team that won’t make the playoffs.

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