Head Coach Matt LaFleur Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Robert Schuknecht

Begins at 11:03.

Doughboy God


DDD Pheth


Boyd Hulin

All I wanna know is, when are we gonna stop being too “cute” with our play calling like when you absolutely WASTE a down by throwing a pass in the flat rather than working the middle of the field on a slant or something like the Packers always did well???? Let me in one of these press conferences! I’ll ask!……. Also, tell me WHY you can’t score a TD when your kick returner puts you inside the 10! ….. I’ll tell you what, THROW THE BALL AT LEAST ONCE! HOW BOUT THAT??!?!

Mister Goat

Every week β€œwe put our guys in bad situations β€œ.. be the coach or coordinator. Fix it!! Ridiculous.

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