Head Coach Matt LaFleur press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Gio Moran

“We need to do better” “I need to do better” already expecting to hear that

    Derek Schenk

    Getting old isnt it? Seems like he reading the same script over and over again every week!!

    Jose Lopez-Arenivar

    Lafleur thinking that by keeping the same guys on the coaching staff will magically fix things.

    BoutABag €

    We just need Nathaniel Hackett back 🤫

    robert linhart

    @Derek Schenk what do you expect him to say?

Ross Lillebo

I personally love Arod holding this team hostage this year. Exposing Gute for the clown that he is and just how bad Gute is at building a team. He’s been bailing out this organization and coaches for years and now he’s sticking it to them. Top receivers leave…no attempt to replace them. Gimpy banged up o line to start the season….no moves to add vets and shore it up. TE position is weak. Defense is where they spend all their capital and has been inconsistent. The whole thing is a dumpster fire and it’s on full display rn. There’s not a QB that could fix this mess or any one player. Gute built this team like he had just watched the movie Major League. He’s either a complete idiot or it was an intentional tank.

    Isaac Singleton

    Then the love aspect is Lafleur and gute can’t put him out there now because they will go 0-8with an average margin of defeat around 27 points 😂 then how can they hide behind aaron getting all the media pressure if love is starting? Lafleur and gute would have to answer real questions instead of rodgers and answer why they decided to draft love when they did

    Rory chapman

    I love how MLF said putting guys in the right spot….you don’t have decent guys to put in the right spot thanks to your idiot boss.

    Ross Lillebo

    @Rory chapman Correct! So many holes in this team. Gute did it so backwards. If you pay AR then you need to bring in experienced talent to play with him. If you’re rebuilding and going to use a bunch of rookies then move on from AR. At least Love and the rookies would all be on the same page and learning the game with no expectation to win. But instead of one of those two clear intelligent decisions Gute does the opposite. Pays a guy mad money and surrounds him with a JV squad at O line and WR.

John Hewitt

How many times are we going to hear that

    Dirk Diggler

    to infinity and beyond


Hey Matt!
“The games about points”
When are you going to learn from your mistakes of the past and start kicking the field goals!!!! Your play calling is leaving points on the field!

    Harvey Danger

    Yes! I agree with that, if you can’t get the TD, get the field goal. Frustrating to see him keep going for it when we can’t score or catch. Run the ball in the red zone ffs!


    @Harvey Danger that’s also Aaron leaving points out because he somehow thinks he can throw his way into a Td with no number 1

Dirk Diggler

I’ve got to do better. Tombstone epithet.

Wrestling Historian

Calm down everyone, this man will no doubt be going back and watching the film. I think everything’s gonna be oohhhkaaaay.



Manuel Rodriguez

He had his chances man .. idk he should have at the very least already made a trip to the super bowl .. I think he needs ti go and we need to revamp our coaches but before anything Aaron needs to go … it’s just time man let’s all move on … anything beats this

Uber Gib

LaFleur out

Kurt H

He completely dodged the question if thinks it’s time for Rodgers to start running the plays that are sent out to him.
This guy isn’t a coach at all. He’s Rodgers’ consigliere. I bet Rodgers was behind him with his hand up his rear making Matt’s mouth move.

Scott M

Would love a reporter to ask “who’s actually running the team? You or Rodgers?” It appears Rodgers is running things and LaFleur just let’s it happen. No play-action, everything out of the shotgun. On RPOs Rodgers is always going to pull it and pass. Rodgers is all about him and his stats. He doesn’t care about the team and he’s no leader. Self-absorbed.

Oh great, you challenged everyone to dig a little deeper. That will surely fix things. What BS.

    Mark ODay

    A reporter did actually

    John Kamperschroer

    I mean von Miller asked Aaron why they aren’t letting him play his game, so is it really Aaron running it 🤔 what seems to be the issue is he misses a guy that knew where to go and be in the right spot all the time

kurtis bardin


Jose Lopez-Arenivar

Skip to min 17. Idk why they load a video with 17 mins of coming soon


Every week it’s the same song and fiancé. Bottom line is he’s not scoring points. He can come up with whatever excuses he has. He needs to go.

rod phend

Roger’s needs to be throwing the ball to the reserves in practice everyday and every practice all practice long. Roger’s is not practicing with the reserves you can’t have Love do it for him . Love doesn’t thrown the same so you must have Roger’s practice with them !!!


Man we got some idiot in the comments
We got one of the greatest qb of all time and a great coach and we talking about letting them go wow

Luis x

If we think those past 3 years of 13-3 by the Packers are thanks to the coach and GM we were all wrong. Lafleur was an offense coordinator rank 27 in the league.

The Kid

Matt was taught well how to switch into “coach speak” to avoid these questions week by week.

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