Head Coach Dan Campbell speaks to the media on September 26 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Meet up Speak up

Don’t quit. Focus on the defense

Eric Harrison

He’s looking so embarrassed right now. Wich is a good thing. Way better than Matt Patricia going out there and blaming everybody and putting himself above the team. This team will grow together ,


Man is the goat. We will bounce back.

The Great One

80-40- 2
Lions win percent vs nfc north

Lions win % vs bears 42.1
Packers 41.4
Vikings 33.6


We played like a losing team who didn’t know what to do with the lead. I hope we get that cleaned up

    Matt Pawlaczyk

    Yep. Trying to run the clock out with 8 minutes left in the 4th quarter is what losers do. They need to play like winners and keep moving the ball and bury the opponent.

Tim Ferguson

I see a Coach with a lot of Humility! He’ll learn and be better for it. I expect to see a well oiled machine after our BYE.

Joe Keaton

We will get through this. Its early and things will gel. Keep the faith and move on.

Hanging Around

DC’s decision not to go for it on 4th down when you are 4 for 5 and kick a 56 yard FG? then the bad clock management at the end had me almost throwing my remote through the TV.. it’s the 4th qtr, 3.27 minutes left, you have the lead and the ball and you are snapping the ball with 12+ seconds on the game clock?!?!? they did this over 4 times that is almost a minute of extra time they gave the Vikings?!?! WTF?

Cory Garcia

Maybe I’m missing something but in a 2 score game I didn’t understand our offensive play calling at the end of the 3rd quarter and most of the 4th quarter. All those incomplete pass attempts on multiple possessions that did nothing but give Min limitless time to beat you. Football 101 bleed your opponent out with the run game.

Plain and simple you got cute early and won on a short yardage pass play and gave to much credit to your short yardage pass off vs Min def and failed late in game too many times with it instead of bleeding the Vikings dry with running the clock out via run plays.

I hope you learned from this because you can’t afford losses like this in this League

    Matt Pawlaczyk

    I actually think we started to try to run the clock out too early. If you look at our possession around the 8 minute mark there was a definite shift to a more run heavy offense on first and second downs and our offense stagnated. There was a drive where we ran 3 times and lost 5 yards. I think you just stick with your regular offense and keep moving the ball. It’s a loser mentality to get conservative and HOPE the clock runs out on the other team.

    Cory Garcia

    @Matt Pawlaczyk Possibly – definitely different philosophies.


I wanted to win this game as much as anyone. Still a lot of football left, and we will get better as the season goes on.

Filthy Capitalist

Can we get a game clock coach on the payroll? The last four minutes or so yesterday of game clock management was miserable.

It’s year two of Dan Campbell and bad game clock management is still around.

Jim Hoffman

I was so disappointed with this Loss, we had them. woulda coulda shoulda, again and again


I’m not even going to watch this presser, but the results of this game made me truly bummed….. had the game in the bag. Shoulda gone for the 4th down and the win. Keep our D off the field


Minnesota didn’t earn that win. The Lions gave it to them

Josh Turner

Nice to be able to hear the questions for once 🙂


Shake it off and come back stronger 💪

Cloudzy DFS

We need Jamo and Paschal back soon also we need to pray that Amon Ra is good after that injury


Lions need to score 30 points+ to win games to make up for the defense

Michael Banks

Head Coach Campbell I love you, man! All I ask is please play to win, stop playing not to loose! Those days are over! I BELIEVE 💯 in what you are doing! I BELIEVE we can win it all with you! As stated on social media and live on Fox2 news! 14-3 record Superbowl Champions 2022-2023 season Let’s Go! Boot Up! Go Lions!🦁🏉🐐🔥💪💯🙌!

Jeremy Williams

Well, if grit is what is going to define this year’s team, the bounce back against Seattle will tell us a lot.

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