Head Coach Brian Flores Press Conference | Miami Dolphins | October 5, 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Isaac Kamhine

Fins up lets go to win games

Mike Murrayy

This coach is not putting the best players for this team too win. Tua is way better then Fitz play tua already Fitz is a interception machine.

    Monny o

    He is but he afraid that he’ll get injured but if u noticed when he asked him who he thinks will be the starter he wanted to say tua I think if he thinks he ready why wait we played the hardest part of the schedule already why not give the kid a chance?

    Russell Cron

    What NFL game footage have u seen 2 just know Tua is way better than Fitz cuz I wanna see it!!!!!!

Danyel Pugh

Wtf man TUA is ready we saw the leaked footage com on man

    Monny o

    If u noticed when they asked him who was gonna be the starter it looked like he wanted to say tua I know he’s afraid he’ll get hurt but damn if he thinks tua should start damn give the kid a chance what do we have to lose

Monny o

Did anybody notice when they asked him who was gonna be the starter he looked like he wanted to say tua but he acts like he afraid he’ll get hurt I say if he feels he ready give him a chance we got the hard part of the schedule out the way what we have to lose sign another qb and start him already

Slot Couple

In Flo I trust


Regarding the first question the way he reacted to it makes me think Tua has a high chnace of starting, but he doesnt need to come out and say it yet since things can change in the week.

    John Rotuno

    I got a similar feeling about that answer

m black

Non-committal on Fitz starting. Its 50/50. Bobby plays better with a concussion…..

Russell Cron

I don’t think he starts Tua but I do think there’s a great chance Fitz struggles & he makes the move!

Russell Cron

No win in SF means Flo should be on the HOT seat! No if’s &’s or butt’s! EVERY1 is expendable & should be held accountable! Love Flo but the poor play inevitably must fall on his shoulders!

Russell Cron

GTFOH Flo!!!!! Y’all drafted him & cleared him 2 play so stop making excuses!

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