Head Coach Brandon Staley Introductory Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
yung dubz

hopefully he gets our defense to an A+😤 we got the dudes now we got the coach

Miguel Castellanos

Let’s go Chargers !! ⚡️⚡️

    Gene C

    37:02 whose this bootleg director

    Miguel Castellanos

    I have no idea haha


Will this finally be the coach we extend after 4 years?

Jack Morgan

Nobody’s gonna ask John Spanos any questions? Like how did he get up there and what qualifies him.


    @ExoticMidz LMAO!!!!


    John Spanos got there by traveling a hard journey that started in the testicles of the Chargers’ owner’s son.


    Nepotism of course!

    Bzhzj Bzhzj

    @ExoticMidz So did i !😅😅😅


    @SureOkYeah 🤣😭

Shiba Inu Des

Congrats Coach Staley! Impressive interview. As a veteran of the US Air Force for 29.5 years, your leadership philosophy of establishing relationships with your people is paramount, no matter what level of responsibility you’re placed in. If you truly invest in your people, the culture of the organization will experience trust, higher morale and successful growth. Been a Charger fan for 42 years now, and I’m feeling a strong vibe of success and optimism on your new journey as a HC. Congrats again to you and many blessings to your family.

    Jack Anderson

    Thanks for your service! Go bolts!!!

    Brad Bush

    Thank you for your service!

    Shiba Inu Des

    @Jack Anderson ,Thanks Jack, Always have been proud to serve. Bolt Up Chargers!

    Shiba Inu Des

    @Brad Bush Charger football’s been engrained in me way before my Air Force days. Hopeful for a great season!

    Chief 75

    Thank you for your service and bolt up!

Derek Metoyer

⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️ This has to work out!!! Invest in this guy’s vision, invest in this team, invest in winning!

Brian Sullivan

Staley is legit. Well-rounded and sounds like a tremendous leader. TT made the right choice. Watch this team grow, it will be amazing moving forward.


    Yo my friend’s name is Brian Sullivan

    Craig Creamer

    Man the way Lynn handled Herbert at first pissed me off.


Taking over the division and the AFC and winning championships are finally here I pray for it

Aaron Smith

Loving what I’m hearing. But I been through enough coaches to temper my expectations till we see what things look like next season. Hoping for the best though.

Martiniano Valdez Davis

Im really excited with this hiring. I consider myself a big fan of the chargers, but also a very salty one. See a good future with Staley, Bosa and Herbert.


    a lot more players than that to be excited for

    franklin ausler


I’m wrong but

I love how he’s shaping the offense around herbert instead of making him conform to the offense he likes

    Jakis Olson

    Lynn made him conform to the offense he likes

Mike R.

Fernando’s hat says it all ⚡SD⚡

Unaccomplished Baker

I’m getting chills… his answers are so on point and his energy is 👌

You Like!?

Was bummed out about Daboll but Staley was the right choice. He’s going to maximize the talents we have so much! The enthusiasm, the intelligence, and the vision! Haven’t been so hyped in a coach since forever.. That’s my coach! 😭😭😭

Marco Guajardo

Wow this guy came out of nowhere! Everything he says is like music to my ears! Super excited to see our players and execution develop!

Frankie Y

Him droppin Leonard Floyd and John Johnson’s names knowing damn well they gonna be free agents and we need a edge rusher and safety help 😂🙌🏽 i love his energy already


What I liked the most about this interview is that he doesn’t have a scheme that he wants to apply to this football team but instead he has a philosophy about how to teach and coach this football team. Just to listen to him the first 5 minutes I bought into his philosophy.. it’s just day and night….

Antonio Leonard

“You Know”

i know indeed


Can anyone count how many “you know” he said here lol


    Or “special”

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