Head Coach Adam Gase Video Press Conference (9/9) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Lee Da Hitman

I like this new Adam Gase

    Steven Rondina

    As long as he doesn’t get stubborn when things aren’t working and can adjust when needed I think he will be fine as an HC. Problem is he hasn’t shown that yet.

    New season, let’s go

    Tim Fehrenbach

    He led the Dolphins to the playoffs in his first season there. thats quite an achievement I guess. he lost Tannehill before the WC game in Pittsburgh. I always liked him, he has this intense hypomanic, fully committed manner that I like. and he can be very funny and highly entertaining, I like to listen to him. yeah, he is a bit stubborn at times, but sometimes being pissed is the right attitude. he seems to be working on his personality issues as well. thats good to see. hope he can stay a HC in the NFL for a long time

Austin McCune

Are team isn’t completely destroyed by injuries for once thank god!!


Wow, Fant making an impression on his teammates (C)….nice.


Great question from the reporter about Gase finally having the same QB starter two years in a row. I never thought about that, to be fair to Gase.


    I agree, and I’m one that has never been fair to him. I’m rooting for him, but he’s really got no excuse to put it together. Am I expecting Super Bowl, no. Am I expecting more wins than losses, YES. We shall see.


That Charles guy sounds like a drunk casual fan asking him questions. Not professional whatsoever


Mid-season form, smelling-salts, Gase! 😤🤪 🤣😂🤣

Chidi Tuke

Gase is growing on me

Robert Harvey

giants rivalry Steelers
bills rivalry jets

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