Head Coach Adam Gase Video Press Conference (9/24) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
LightningRod YT

Fire Adam Gase!

Johnny Mans

This guy is lost

Average_Panda 963





🤡Show! 🤪😂🤣

Steven Rondina

How could you even consider yourself a HC when no one is fighting for you and the once promising QB is now being talked about getting traded and being replaced with another rookie you would ruin?

Do you have no shame in ruining everything around you since your daddy Peyton left you?

You need him to make the owners a peach pie and a recommendation because your resume is absolutely atrocious?

Taking advantage of an idiot in Chris Johnson…you don’t deserve a single penny for the job you’ve done.

You make excuses to blame others. You are the worst coach I’ve ever witnessed. The worst…I’m sad at how you set this team back further and further with every time you show your face at practice.

Shame on you




    You can tell he has already mailed this game in by the way he talks up the colts.. excuses..what a fraud!


    @JK THUGZ Based on the way Gase talks up the opponents, Jets are facing the 85’Bears every week! 😂
    **And you know what, based on his shitty offense and shitty play-calling, they are!** He leads the league in excuses!


    @blacksnakemagic interestingly, Bill Belichick talks up his opponents no matter their record but he makes no excuses and all about business.


    @BallinNQnz Yep, 100%! Belichick is in a class by himself, and the exception to the rule. Gase however, not so much!

Motivated T

Why isn’t he fired! Gase is all talk no action and has more excuses by the week


    @Motovated T — “Mere Prattle Without Practice” ~ William Shakespeare  
    Shakespeare knew.

Sports Fan

There’s gonna be a Fire Adam gase protest at Florham Park at 1 so us jet fans can express how we feel about Gase as HC


    Yeah take a pic and post it I want to see how many losers show up!

    Sports Fan

    FoSsiL924 I can’t cuz I’m not going 😂

    Bear 7453

    I saw pictures it was TWO people 😂😂😂😂

    Sports Fan

    Bear 7453 seriously 😂

    Bear 7453

    Sports Fan YES lmfao


Remember 3 months ago when they scapegoated/fired the head trainer?… Sacrificed on the ‘Alter of Gase’! Yeah, good times! 🙃


Cool fire gase thanks

Daniel Beware

This sound exactly like last year… But now we have injured almost all the starter offense, no McClendon, I mean, how are we gonna compete against a top 5 defense, and a offense with one of the best O line in the NFL. The game will be over before the first quarter end. What shame… Smh

Kadin Smith

THis guy is so depressing and demoralizing. Whenever I listen to Gregg Williams or Joe Douglas, I feel good about the Jets. He can’t even give straight answers. #FIREGASE. Sign Bieniemy, Daboll, or ROman

    Jon Woo



Get this man away from Sam!!

James Plunkett

i can not take anymore of this please god help!!!!!!!!!


He looks defeated before he starts – this man is not our future, fire Gase now!


    heyyyyyy wait a minute, lol that’s MY hashtag #FireGaseNow


I swear his press conferences needs a ‘Laugh Track.’ It’s the only way it makes sense! 😱 😂

    Knick Nack

    Fun game, let’s rewatch it and time stamp where one should be inserted…


    @Knick Nack YES, along with “Benny Hill’s” theme song. Here’s 2, right off the bat!

    Benny Hill on: that 3rd and 31 — giving up 55
    Laugh Track on: kicking the field goal, down by 3TDs (Gase feel-good, Participation Points) **Waving the 🏳flag.**


If we give up on Sam before firing Adam Gase I might be finding a new team to root for.

Jacob Padilla

Jets vs. Ravens
Jets vs. Packers
Jets vs. Lions
Jets vs. Jaguars

Ergun Uluc


Crushed Ice

Gase think he is the smartest man in the room. He gets rid of all his talent so he can say he was the reason why they won

John Holton

Look at his eyes. He knows he is a dead man walking.. His career head coaching ends no later than the end of the Monday night game vs patriots

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