Head Coach Adam Gase Video Press Conference (8/16) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Thereal One

You know I’m popping in here per usual. Let’s go Gase!! J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets!! 🤟


    My man!


Adam’s charisma seems to have gone up 10 new levels since covid. Has to have been an conscious point of improvement 👏


    Maybe he’s better when he isn’t around people…

MinePlay 512

Jets are going to be great this year. Sam is going to be elite and Leveon Bell is elite.

    MinePlay 512

    Nick Blake Luck? The OL is much better this year and we drafted needs.

    Luca Gajovich-Protich

    @Nick Blake really? The Jets have the worst defense? What a joke

    Lyric Sea

    Nick Blake you’re tripping, our defense is not even close to being the worst.

Garkis Bloodlust

Okay Gase, you are saying the right things. Prove us all wrong and bring us a top 10 offense and I will take back all the negative things I have ever said about you.


    Lol same here! I’ll take it all back Gase!

    Elisha Jimenez

    He said all the right things last year too. At this point, all I care about is whether or not they can win games.

Joe S

Go jets


Best Gase conference yet. Also, what’s with the dumb question about what is he going to do with Herndon? Hey coach Reid, what are you going to do with Kelce? Hey coach Kyle, what are you going to do with Kittle? Ohh have them start as a TE?! Oh ok..🙄

    Nick Hunter

    EXACTLY! So stupid lmao. Maybe they meant how he’s gonna use him in the offense or something. But even that’s a pretty dumb question

Drue Agudelo

This team sucks so bad

Motivated T

I still have trauma from last year’s injuries

chris lalas

Let’s get it


Ok, i have been a huge critic of Adam Gase, but I really believe he deserve a break, I saw some maturity in the way he responds the media, let’s give him a chance…he has a family to feed and I believe he will change and be a great coach. GO DOWN TO BUSINESS ADAM AND LEARN FROM JOE, ACROSS THE STREET!!


    If he got fired tomorrow, he would still be able to feed his family for the rest of his life.

Nick Hunter

Gase is slowly growing on me. He needs to keep the beard for me to take him seriously lol

Joey Moyer

Shoulda signed dez b

Andrew Fehl

Putting 3 mid sentence ads in a 15 minute conference… they’re really worried about the revenue drop and need that nickel.

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