HC Vic Fangio on Drew Lock: ‘He’s continued to show his talent’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Broncos Fan





Go Broncos 🐴🔶🔷

Kylar Kjersten


Broncos Fan

I hope Broncos can keep healing and getting better so they can have a good season!

Christian Meijer

Really…. when? Drew Lock is not the future, if you guys wanna continue to finish 3rd in the AFC west then keep the delusion going. The broncos need an owner and a franchise QB to go head to head with Mahomes. Locks clock has ran out. Peace.

    Broncos Fan

    What do you mean last season they got 2nd in their division

    MrHanna 28

    Impatient much?

    Curt Afdahl

    Bronco fans are experiencing (and to make clear, my life doesn’t depend on pro sports!!) what many other fans have for decade.

    I liked Morton…then the new guy named Elway had to grow on me….but now that the Chiefs found a superb qb, well…the AFC West will look up to the Chiefs for many years.

    I have patience, but when i think of Lock i think of stupid dancing and interceptions…mixed with some good play. I don’t think he’s the qb to take the team to greater things. But honestly….screw it…it’ll take many years to come even sorta close to the Chiefs.

    It’s like when business slows waaaayyy down and you use that time to clean up, organize, etc.

    The Broncos may as well think of it like that unless something happens to Mahomes. But, this is merely my view.

    Brian Coggins Jr

    Imagine if ppl gave up on Josh Allen. QB’s need time and the past 6 games for Lock has shown that he’s going through his progressions at a faster rate and he’s reading the field way better than the beginning of the year. Give him a veteran QB like Nick Foles as a backup to help him study and if he continues at what he’s doing now I think he won’t have to think so much about what route is what but instead read the field. The offensive line has to protect him better and he’s trusting them more these past few games

    MrHanna 28

    @Curt Afdahl you know Manning started way worst right?

Nicholas Funk

Stafford Shanahan 2021!!!!

Ima Fun Guy

I would love Kyle Shannahon because then our offense would be good again

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