HC Urban Meyer meets with media after a W14 loss against the Titans | Jaguars Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Fire Urban Meyer

    Noah Fernandes

    He isn’t getting fired, reports came out that he’ll most likely be retained and staff changes.

    Ace Siegel

    @Noah Fernandes this aged like milk


    @Noah Fernandes lol I can’t believe you bought into that

Brandon McCaa

Please get this lying fraud out of here but I have no hope in that because Shad is the most incompetent owner in the league.

    Noah Fernandes

    Dan synder? You must be young. Virginia McCaskey? Sheila Ford? Jed York is worse. Etc

    Brandon McCaa

    Noah Fernandes 41-116 as owner don’t know you can top that

    Kyle Nitz

    @Noah Fernandes but this is sheila Ford first year and purposely tearing it down the right way..lions are the 2cnd youngest team in the NFL

    Kyle Nitz

    @TheSwagtiger if u read what I said you’ll see I said purposely tore down the team to rebuild right…it’s her first year owning the team FFS

    Texas Fins

    Your dream came true!


Urban’s scandals are the only thing that has carried the Jaguars season.


It’s GREAT to know only the O-line, running game, & QB is the problem!!!

Deven Mellor

Call me crazy, but I’d rather have gus Bradley or marrone back over this 🤡

    Noah Fernandes

    Why do people hate him?! Lmao, I’d take urban over them two awful coaches any day.


    @Noah Fernandes this aged poorly


Bevell still employed here??

Moreese Gamble

Sell game with the top defense bull…no pick six no fumbles six this year… Give up long TD drives against average teams


This dude is in way over his head
Great College HC but…
Welcome to the NFL

Mr. Anonymous

Fire Meyer!


This dude is sabotaging my Jags… Why is he still here ?!?!?

John Hires

I think that if you can restock on a rebuild year, how much could you improve if you have two years of rebuilding and early rounds in the draft…🤔

Larry M

8:30 he cant even remember his #1 WR’s name!!! Comical

Timothy Johnson


Timothy Johnson

We don’t have what we thought we’d have at the beginning of the year!!!! SO ALL YOU NA HATERS…. PLEASE JUST GO SOMEWHERE ELSE


    This aged poorly

Brian La

The jags played the titans, one of the best and most well coached teams in the league. If the jags are playing even at a decent level, the jags have a very small chance to win. The jags need to work on improving and forget about winning. If you improve enough you will start winning.

Kareem Rivers

Good stuff. Go Jags!


Fire Meyer, he is an embarrassment to our organisation… Making hard to be a fan.

Jacob Harrison

Urban needs to be grinding on more women at bars, he’s clearly depleted from not having access.

Joseph LoPiccolo

We’ve heard the prefabricated BS from Urban, now, let’s hear what his twin brother, Rural, has to say.

Antigua Network


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