HC Ron Rivera speaks to the media – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

The conservative play calling killed us in the first half smh

    Paid Tourist

    MAD FACTS!!!!!

    The OC has a Ferrari and he’s driving it like a Ford Pinto. Needs to open it up. Wentz could have 5 TD passes per game with this offense

    Merl Garrett

    I noticed near the end of the first half the camera caught Scott Turner and Ron Rivera having a heated discussion.

    Jerrell Winder

    Both games

    Elyon El

    This is what i been saying. The lack of offense got the defense tired and easier to read. The D waz out there the whole 1st half

joseph schmohl

I hope we turn this around…The lions played faster and more physical.

Victor Jolly

It’s the scheme, it’s the drafting, it’s player development and it’s the coordinators JDR. I can honestly say that Turner Jr has improved but isn’t perfect. Lastly, it’s Ron’s stubbornness. Ron refuses to make any adjustments to how we build this team. He wants to play younger or his guys no matter the state of the team. Why bring back Bostic and Mayo when they aren’t upgrades or difference makers? Why not bring in Landon (has knowledge of the scheme) or Blake Martinez who is a natural mlb. I like Ron as a coach and motivator but he is gonna cost himself this opportunity by refusing to adjust.

    Victor Jolly

    Rivera or JDR? I say JDR for sure. Rivera, not so much. He is locked in for at least 5 years unless the team collapses this year and next. We have Jay Gruden and all of his ineptitude 5 years.

    Andrew Kap

    It’s the curse of Dan Snyder. This organization will be a joke until he is no longer owner of the team.

    Brandon Thomas

    I say bring both Landon and Martinez in. Martinez might be a little off in space but he excels in tackling in space, which is our achilles heel. And we need to start attacking downhill instead of waiting for the tackle to come to us. It’s cringe worthy to watch all game long, game after game 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


    Exactly! It’s mind boggling that Ron is so lost in his own mind. He really doesn’t get it.. Now they’re throwing the players under the bus when this scheme is this bad.

Certified Yam Inspector-DaddySmokesYams

I’ve been saying for 3 years that Ron is a bootleg version of Jeff Fisher. He can build a decent roster but he’s too outdated to coach it.

Samanth Gail

every team will score 30 + points as long as Jack Rio is the Coordinator

    Scot Deane

    Yep, other teams QB’s probably cant wait to play against our D.

    Elyon El

    Lol. Its morr about the personel than JDR

    Andrew Kap

    He is willing to throw players under the bus but not his D-coordinator? What a joke. At some point, JDR has to be held responsible for the play and plays called on D

    Ricky Cutchin

    The D was tired playing after every 3 and out How would u feel

James Taylor

Let’s hope for the best because that’s all we can do! The defense will not turn it around in a few days, so the Offense have to score a lot of points for them to have a chance to beat Philly and that’s official!

marlon johnson

What does us as fans deserve this year after year man it’s sad

    Andrew Kap

    At what point do we realize this franchise under its current ownership isn’t going to make any changes for the better?

    There is a team that plays 48 miles north that is an overall better organization and they actually win.


Detroit kept kicking short because the returner couldn’t get to the 15 yard line! Kept putting us in bad field position?


We’ve been hearing this ‘out of position’ thing for two years. Why do these pro players not know where to be?


    It’s bad play calling when that happens.. the players know but won’t say anything

Marc Harris

I feel your pain Coach. Coming off a bad loss and getting asked questions about Jamin Davis over and over again. Let’s get ready for Philly!

    Victor Jolly

    Blame JDR for opening his mouth and creating a story for the year. Self sabotage by JDR.

    Anthony Bradford

    We lost so many valuable players under Ron

King 👑

When he said do me a favor he told the guy to tell derrick forrest to come here 😂😂😂😂


Wishing positive energy to Del Rio and his D.

Jeremy Argo

Ron almost sounds checked out in knowing he’s in a bad situation

Umar Iqbal

I wanna start off by saying I really like Rivera as a coach and as a person. But his loyalty to his coordinators will put his job in jeopardy because if Wentz goes out there and throws for multiple touchdowns per game Danny is gonna lose his mind and his patience. He’s never had a QB put up numbers like Wentz has for the first two games, outside of Cousins who he never really liked. Snyder will fire Ron if the offense produces with Wentz and it doesn’t equal wins. Rivera needs to see this coming and hold JDR and Turner accountable for poor play calling and personal misuse. Detroit is one of the most blitz happy teams in the league, Turner should’ve started the game with quick hitting routes similar to last week, but he absolutely refused to adjust until after half time. If you look at his body of work since he’s been here, Turner scripts an entire half of offense. When it works it works, when it doesnt you see a first half like they had yesterday. He absolutely refuses to adjust prior to half time, you can’t be a successful OC in the NFL without being able to make adjustments quickly. JDR sent Jamin Davis on a blitz on the first drive of the game and he got home like he was supposed to. Just because Davis is an elite athlete, he shouldn’t be pidgin holed into being a coverage linebacker if he lacks the vision in coverage. Using him in a similar role to Micah Parsons, he may prove to be an elite pass rusher but JDR refuses to adjust. JDR refuses to blitz and when he does, the team gets beat in the most absurd way, see the Deandre Swift TD in the 2nd half to see what I mean. Two coordinators that have accomplished nothing in this league, don’t deserve the level of understanding Rivera has given them the last three years. He has his QB, he needs results this season. If he doesn’t get them because of his coordinators, Rivera might not reach the end of his five year deal.

marlon johnson

The way ron move and coach and personal let’s me know Dan promise not to fire him he was the only one who was going to take this job nobody else if he knew his job was on the line it would be a different story


IF THESE “individuals”

Brandon Thomas

At what point do we start holding the o-line accountable for not giving Carson time to think let alone throw??

Russ Lasky

We need a veteran LB. It would completely change the defense. Ron and jdr have too much pride to replace the lb they reached for in the first round.

Leumas Trevoc

Ron has had heavy critique of the defense even going back to last year. Is the Defensive Coordinator ever gonna be held accountable? Because in the D-Coordinator’s interviews, he acts as if we are dumb for noticing what Ron is noticing

Kat Fish 🐟

Every 🌞 Sunday’s game is different each week. It happens to even the best teams in the league. Commander’s didn’t lose the season, they lost a game that they weren’t prepared for and should have been prepared for. I think they got too relaxed after the win over Jacksonville 😌, they thought they would steam roll over Detroit. Nope 🙅🏻. Detroit was ready and they embarrassed 😳 the Commander’s. Next Sunday 🦅🦅🦅 Eagles. A must win Division game 🎮! Will Commander’s get steamed rolled again???

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