Harrison Butker: “I think I just got a little bit more angry every kick” | Week 2 Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Omar heda

Look at butker man so inspirational

Jonathan Burnham

He’s a legend for making 3 in a row!

    Jai Hummel

    Four, really


This man has nerves of steel, no two ways about it

Chief Daddy

Ice in his veins 🧊 Legendary performance!

David B

Nick Lowery has always been my favorite Chiefs place kicker. But, Harrison Butker is slowly climbing to the top…

    J Lowery

    Me too bro

joaquin toriz

Harrison Butker pleas never die


    That’s gonna happen eventually

    joaquin toriz

    Sadly i know it

    joaquin toriz

    But you know that i said it like ángel expression right


Just extra practice …hahaha … love it.


Not a bad way to christen your opponents new stadium. Kick a field goal record that aint gone be broke for a real long time. 😅😅😅


Great kicks Harrison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Lyons

Might not wanna try an ice this guy, I’m thinking it just helps him correct his kicking trajectory.


    As Bill Parcels once said, “He’s not one of those psycho kickers.”

Zach Brown

The buttkicker

    Tracy Grieve

    Hope he’s chiefs kicker for some time

Austin C

This guys is impressive, you can tell he studies the game a lot. Thanks for bringing it home Butker.

    Lank Y

    He had a great mentor in colquitt

Xero Solar

Ok I knew he was the real deal, but the way he talks about how he practices, the research, the desire to be even better and be consistent on 58+ yards?! Dude he might become the best kicker ever if he keeps going like that, so proud to have him with us <3

Ryan Wahrenbrock

Super Bowl teams, have great kickers and boy oh boy, we got one of those. He’ll be winning us games (and Super Bowls) for years to come!

J Lowery

What a legendary performance! Such a great way to tie my uncles record.

Tyler McCoy

My man said “im good for 70” 😳😳😳lmao

    Art M

    Lord 😅

FN- 2187


Jordan Stewart

Clark Kent when not a super hero kicker.

samson gersing

Butcker is so smooth as a”Boss!” I luv the look! Swagger

lil 75 kansas city chiefs and barcelona fan

Butker is a legend you never see a kicker kick 3 straight field goals

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