Hangin’ With The Boys: Give the Man Credit | Dallas Cowboys 2022 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Hangin’ With The Boys: Give the Man Credit | Dallas Cowboys 2022

Surprise! Surprise! This team is now 3-1 without its starting quarterback. Maybe it's time to give Mike McCarthy some due credit for how he's leading this team. Sure, the opposition isn't exactly great, but the Cowboys, and in particular the defense, are doing what they've got to do to get it done.

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J Can

Nate need to wear one of his rings to the show



    J Can

    Why not…no reason just wear it


Thank you, Rush didn’t play great yesterday, but he did his job as a back up,

    god emperor almighty forefather TRUMP

    Rush played better thendak in week 1

    god emperor almighty forefather TRUMP

    Wish dak could do his job as the highest paid starter


    @god emperor almighty forefather TRUMP Rush 2 ints saved by the bell because Wash. that bad, tripped over his own foot, any qb1 no you do not stand in the end zone patting the ball unfortunately he got out of there, but the next down it was batted up in the end zone and damn near hit 3 DLs in the head all they had to do was look up, that would have been a disaster but they was playing a team that can’t spell disaster with all 53 man on their roster together. He had maybe 4 or 5 good throws, plus The Playbook is dumbed down for him 50/50 pass/run, look I love Cooper Rush as all our cowboys, do I think we need a new qb1 new but Rush ain’t it, yes I’m sick of the bullshitt play and not winning playoff games, I wash Rush would’ve played like josh Allen, pat maholmes, Joe b, and stay the qb1 I wanna win it all but the superstar qb is not on the team now, hell trade both qbs for a top one , I think the defense ready to win. ★4Life

    Kenny 10

    One thing is he was under pressure – Our defense will keep us in games but our Offensive line is one player injury away from killing our season


I’m glad Rush has been able to keep us above 500 being 3-1, I’m sure most of the fan base was ready to throw the season away after Dak went out with his injury, what I don’t like is some fans don’t wanna acknowledge & give Cooper Rush any credit for the wins, I mean I guess fans was expecting us to be sorry with him


    It made sense to think the season was over when Dak got hurt because we just lived it in 2020. Rush hadn’t proven himself before so unless you’re a blind fan you had doubts. Taking a victory lap about that is silly because I promise you you was worried too.

    Deezboyz Justwin

    Yeah but now they making excuses why they are winning these same sorry receivers same bad offensive line same bad play caller

    god emperor almighty forefather TRUMP

    Dak 1-3 statistical playoff loser

    Doug Tyree

    RUSH HAS PROVEN to be far Superior to the duk, but yahoo Jessie is paid off so you don’t notice how awful the duk is.


    All of y’all are either trolls, weirdos, or both. I can honestly say there’s a 6% chance y’all played more than back up HS ball. The team is willing themselves to wins, especially with the defense, and Cooper is doing his job. He’s not being asked to do much because he can’t lol. Doesn’t mean that as a fan I don’t appreciate him doing just that, his job, but you guys and your horrible takes are just nauseating. Be real with yourselves and try to be happy in life.


I knew with a strong run game and the D playing like they’ve played, I thought we’d be 4-0

    god emperor almighty forefather TRUMP

    Dak played a game though

    Eric January

    We should be 4-0 but Kellen Moore didn’t run the damn ball we should be 4-0 respectfully

    Kenny 10

    Why play Dak 40 million a year if you just want someone to manage a game and run the ball?


Thank you Thank you Thank you Nate Newton for correcting Jesse. This needs to happen more often because he have listeners believing what he is saying like its concrete.


    @UncleAL u just proved my point. I would take the word of a future hall of famer who.actually have been in these situations than someone who hasnt. If Jesse were right we would be 0-4 facts.


    @JahBlessification That’s a falacy by authority. Nothing Jesse said was wrong and the fact that you didn’t address the issue shows you don’t have an argument.


    @JahBlessification He didn’t say we couldn’t win, he said it would be hard. Rush it’s throwing at a 60% comp (that’s not good) dallas is avg less than 20 pts per game and he could have thrown 5 ints. 3 were dropped and 2 were called back by penalties. He’s doing well but we will need more to beat the elite teams


    @UncleAL when dak went down Jesse said the season is over..my point is if a future hall of famer checks you because he actually been through it I would take the word of a 3x super bowl champ then anybody else..you can believe everything that comes out his mouth if you like but we dont need a negative nancy hosting

Warren Duncan

With this coming game against the Rams, We will definitely have to Stop the runs offtackle and in the flats run or pass. Our corners with have there hands filled we need to stop cooper kup and contain all others including there TE’s. I’d like to see Bohanna and Gallimore in on passing downs as well because. Watching them together they was ballin and gettin deep penetration, Rush Parsons from the middle and Blitz Wilson from the edge. With Sam Williams on the otherside with Armstrong. Noah Brown gots to bring it this game and Hooker needs to blast anybody that wants to try and catch any deep. It is time to HIT AND WRAP UP against the Rams and everyone there after fellas. How bout them Cowboys. Go Cowboys.

Whip Tech

I love this coach !

Dennis Davis

It’s time to do like KC and pick up the tempo and when the game start be ready to end the game jump out that horse stable like that thoroughbred and let’s go win another game

Tommy Montoya

I had a feeling with our defense we got a elite top 5 DEFENSE COWBOYS NATION DC4L 💯💪

    Glenn Korbel

    The “D” has now faced three teams with gutted, screen-door, o-lines.

    Let’s see how it fares when it isn’t facing the league’s low-hanging fruit.

Squeaky Wheel Productions

If I told you at week one our starting Qb with the same defense, would sorely under perform, and lose a game that he has been paid to win… That’s the question. Ain’t but one winner at your table and that is Nate. I’ll listen to him.

    Squeaky Wheel Productions

    Rush has done well. Very well.


    You are absolutely right

Jesse Gardner

Cowboys keep the win streak going. Beat the rams Sunday

Jesse Gardner

Go cowboys nation cowboys get a win this Sunday

Jesse Gardner

I would like to see the cowboys win big over the rams.

Jerry Walsh

“Do something different” OK! Winning is different.

Cinch McCoy

Tired of hearing people say the defense is winning these game for us. How many points has this defense scored? Defense is great for sure but dat Gold Rush Offense is winning these games. We will lose Dak’s first game back and will lose to Philly guaranteed with Dak at the Helm. Trade dat Dak and get us some Draft Picks and lets Go with that Gold Rush Offense.


    Lol Dak has a no trade clause Grand wizard Prophet


They have said a few times Shannon had surgery…also read he took a new position in the cowboys organization so who knows


The positive is that once Dak gets back and Gallup and Washington get 100% , the offense will catch up to the defense

Lance Boyd

I believe we have to win one of the last 2 games probably beat Philly to keep pace

Robin Znaidi


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