Hangin’ With The Boys | Dallas Cowboys 2022 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Hangin’ With The Boys | Dallas Cowboys 2022

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Travis Sims

Damn, Jesse lol

M West

#HWTB Greatest podcast on the Dallas Cowboys app. One friggin’ game at a time. #VictoryMonday #HowBoutDemCowboys

Otis Ochoa

Been waiting all day baby🎉

Big Red TLC

This team is an enigma. Can’t figure it out. I look at BUF, LAC, KC, SF and TB – all have more talent. So yeh, we may do well in our 6 div games but still stuck in a lower tier playoff team mode (maybe). BTW, Jesse and Nate doing great holding down the fort while Shannon is recovering from BBL surgery.


How bout them cowboys 💥💥💯💯💯🎉🎉🎊🎇🎆🎆🎇

David Laws

I think McCarthy sat down with Moore and showed him how it’s supposed to be done.

T. Siwel

I thought I saw Mike with the headset and play sheet in the half as Dak and Kellen were sitting on the sideline

Innocent McGuire 2nd

The best show on the network

Mike BXB.

Where is Shannon Gross? I enjoy Jesse and Nate but they need an MC / moderator. I am a fan of this best show on the Cowboys. But again, itneeds a straight man

Deezboyz Justwin

Cooper Rush was the difference he played better than dak he reason cowboys won

Deezboyz Justwin

Cooper Rush accuracy timing and anticipation and quickly reading defenses getting rid of ball showed a big difference

Anne Storment

LOVE MY COWBOYS!!!!❤❤❤❤❤🌝🏈🤠

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