Hangin’ With The Boys: And A Bag of Chips | Dallas Cowboys 2022 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Hangin’ With The Boys: And A Bag of Chips | Dallas Cowboys 2022

Is this a trap game? How do the Cowboys not overlook a struggling Washington club? That offense has more talent than you might think. Plus, what about players like Gallup who are working their way back from the mental side of being injured? And in case you didn't know, Jesse is the guy.

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Jerry Case

Where’s Shannon and when will he return? Hope he’s ok!!!

    K _____

    He gone

    Aj Pal

    That guy sucked he just interviewed he was no one special

    Laquan Everett

    Did he get fired ?

Deezboyz Justwin

Why canโ€™t any one be honest a say only difference is cooper Rush better quarterback play guess they have cater to dak fan base

    Aj Pal

    Because heโ€™s not a better quarterback. These guys are the most honest and direct individuals youโ€™ll see. If they think Cooper is better they would say so but heโ€™s not.

    Cedric Murdock

    Lol lol this justwin guy is dillusional 4 real lol lol lol

Albert Arnold

Keep dreaming

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