Hall of Famers Troy Polamalu, Bill Cowher, Donnie Shell announced on stage at NFL Honors – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Legend Troy

Love the Steelers. Way to go Bill Cowher, Donnie Shell and Troy Polamalu. Steelers nation love you guys.

Michael Orozco


Paul Bennett

who cut the onions 😢

    Andrea Villella


kevin rivera

Congratulations to the al the Steelers who made it into the Football HOF this year you deserve it 🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛

Titus Laney

I am so pleased to see Bill Cowher in the 2020 Hall Of Fame. He certainly worked his butt off to get to where he is now, just as the others you saw come onto the stage.


    Titus Laney when he walked straight over Troy with that smile!!!!

Arapaho Sundancer

Troy was destined for this night. Put the damn onions away.

Mr. Mountain Man

Troy is at 2:44

Ralph Furley

I’m so excited with the inclusion of Troy Polamalu, Bill Cowher, and Donnie Shell into the NFL Hall of Fame!!! All three deserve the honor!!! Let’s honor other deserving players like Hines Ward, Alan Faneca and L.C. Greenwood!!! ☮️🖖🏽

Dee Mighty

Troy Polamalu the Samoan Headhunter 🙌🙌🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸

Eldred Brown

Not much of a Steelers fan–they actually left me disappointed when they beat my Seahawks in the Super Bowl many years ago–but I have to admit that I am a big Troy Polamalu fan. Maybe it’s because he’s an Orthodox Christian like me. Maybe it’s because he graduated from a small-town Oregon high school as I did. Either way or both ways, I’m thrilled to see #43 with the BIG hair announced as a Pro Football Hall-of-Famer!

Sunny Rothmiller

Troy Revolutionized the position. And the long hair hanging out of the back of the helmet! He is my favorite football player! Alge Crumpler ruined his knee that Titians game and troy wasn’t quiet the same.

Luis D

This is so cool to have three Steelers announced for the Hall of Fame at the same time.

post peel

I assumed Donnie was in already WTH
Congrats well overdue


They all screamed loudest for Troy ! He deserves this more then anyone up there.

Brock Kosta

No matter how bad the offense messed up, Troy could always make it okay. He made me believe. Absolute 🐐

Meme Stealer

Troy Polamalu: A Football Life when?

    Whistle Teets

    Not soon enough


TROY IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE STEELERS!! Cool that both Troy and Bill are inducted together…AMAZING

Joel Williams

“The Lord of the C-Gap,” Troy Polah’maloo!

Sean McGuire

Troy: I don’t deserve this
Everyone: Mother f^^ker you were one of the most dominant safeties of all time
Troy: no I was average

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