Hackett On Packers QB Aaron Rodgers’ Cadence: ‘It’s A True Weapon’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
The Boi



Made a packers vs lions preview video👍

Norma Ball

Really nice 👌 😍💋 💝💖❤️

    Thomas Pick

    Norma Ball Hello Norma. Are you related to Ivana Humpalot or Iliketo Ball? Are they your sisters from your mom or by adoption?

Jacob Stoflet

“It’s like The Matrix, but his voice.”

Perfect description


why is aaron nagler even in here lol

Thomas Pick

That jet sweep, line shift thing was a ripoff from Andy Reid. Andy Reid ripped it off of some old college tapes. It’s okay. Study the Andy Reid stuff and the Shannahan tape stuff. Go ahead, copy it. Study the running plays of the Rams, Titans, Ravens, Houston stuff. Defense? Who knows! Study the best defenses over the years. The rules have changed in favor of offenses now. The public likes to see high scoring games, exciting long passes. Coaches need to teach safety too. How to accept being tackled, how to fall down without injuring yourself.

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