Greg Olsen says that Cam Newton was the best thing to happen to his career – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Messi 966

I miss Greg and Cam. Hopefully Cam can also retire a Panther and both can be on the same commentary team or coaching staff in the future.

    Toxic Gumball


    shiv mirani

    @matt david he personally said that he has no remorse/hatred towards the panthers I think he’s gotten over it for the most part but only uses that as motivation

    Azaan PD

    @matt david
    I don’t think Cam has any salt about what happened in Carolina. I just think he’s disappointed in himself right now for the most part.

    Devin Roman


    Donna B

    YeahBuddy 💙🖤💙🖤
    💘 your comment

Azaan PD

Greg Olsen can make a great receivers coach for Carolina one day.

    Donna B

    YeahBuddy 💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤

    Donna B

    Starting 2DAY

Always Chillin

I want Olsen to do commentary for our games now.

    Azaan PD

    Hell yeah!

    Donna B


Cade Hawkins

this is sad because I have I’ve been a panthers fan since cam was drafted it’s been a ride I wish you that 2015 team coulda won the sb now kuchchly Olsen and Thomas are retired and cam is stuck on a bad team and will never be what he once was but I’m glad cmc is during well I hope he recovers well

    Azaan PD

    Thanks man. Been tough these years but it’s all well.

Darth Vader

I thought he played in the Seahawks


    He retired, and this is this year, from today.


    He signed a one day contract to be able to retire a panther

Darth Vader

What year does this take place

King Hamzz

Lol we had a 98 yard TD i bet CMC cant do that😂😂

    Super Sanders

    Stop hating bruh

    King Hamzz

    @Super Sanders ok ill stop


Well Cam was also probably part of the downfall of the Panthers but I miss 2015 Cam

    Jonathan Padilla



    He was Injured tho


Cam throwing to Olsen was the best days 😢😢😢 good times…

Nick Terranova

Greg thank you so much we all love you and your family! So proud you are a panther for life!!!

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