Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers conference call – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Jay MoB

If I’m Aaron I’m asking for a trade now, only because it’s going to happen anyway

    robert linhart

    It is not financially feasible to trade him at this point

    Melissa Cassell

    Does he have to?

    Jay MoB

    In two years Aaron contract won’t be fully guaranteed anymore, Jimmy g contract isn’t guaranteed anymore after next year

    Melissa Cassell

    @Jay MoB Oh boy! thanks Jay

    Liam Coster

    Why? He has a team that can fight for another super bowl there is no reason for him to leave until love is set to replace him.

Ryan Irwin- Diehl

Aaron Rodgers will play for the Patriots in 2021


I respect him so much

Cyrus Roberts

Thank u Jesus he’s staying with the packers

Ryan Cardona

Yes He is staying


“somebody needs to mute that”. Couldn’t agree more, Aaron. Sheesh.

Melissa Cassell

I just love him, such a humble man. He’s STAYING.


aaron we love u as a person and a green bay u help us get a ring and more i have hella Respect for u

Anthony Sanchez

the bad maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

lester hodges

Should have drafted him a weapon instead of a QB


I still cant believe we drafted jordan love

Biggest Packer Fan

Go pack go


Trade him

Mitch Dohm

Someone dropped the f bomb at 17:00 lol

Matik City

This will only make ARod better. I remember a few years back when we had the worst defensive backs (CBs mainly) in the league and us fans were hollering for CB help. We go into the draft and grab CBs with nearly half our picks with 2 coming in the first 2 rounds. Then we had a year where us fans were hollering for WRs and in the next draft they went and drafted like 5 WRs. I remember a couple times where ARod was injured for the season and our back up QB play was horrible and now look what they did in first round. We will be fine. GOPACKGO

Eric Martin

Go Pack Go!!

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