Grant Delpit Press Conference | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Tao Hsieh

Looks like a cool dude. GO GET SOME!!

Akhil Yirmeyahu

Little tigers? Glad Delpit corrected that. These reporters need to go already

    john anthony

    Akhil Yirmeyahu they’re literal trash

    Anthony Jones

    Unfortunately, Mary K can’t seem to help herself, but the Sharp perceptive Delpit Unashamedly Straightened her out, quick, fast, and in a hurry!🤣😂🤣😂

agent 1.618

Mary Kay anxious to misquote the young man in an upcoming article 6:10


    The way she said “ok thank you” you can tell she’s running with that

    Sean Calhoun

    Haha, nothing to misquote. He means what he says. Only thing she’ll do is demonize his words.

james addie

We not cats we dogs. Welcome to Cleveland go browns.

    timothy campbell

    Cats, dogs, mice, men, I don’t care what they call us, just win Browns!

NexTDayEyesCould See

We definitely have the worst reporters in the league


    NexTDayEyesCould See I don’t watch a lot of other teams beat reporters but ours are terrible. Just awful, awful

    Classic Man

    NexTDayEyesCould See well it matches the worst team in the league


    Classic Man The Browns are the best team in their division so not sure what you mean.


    They’re too fucking old man, they cant connect with these guys at all and just ask stupid questions. Nathan Z is one of the few commentators that I actually look forward to tuning into. Browns PR, if you’re listening/reading, give that man a raise. Talking to the press is a huge part of the players’ job; hire some people that they’ll actually enjoy talking to.

mazaradi fox

Future star

Leroy Xiong

Welcome to join the Browns and how about Greedy + Grant = GREAT Team for the Browns


Seems solid great attitude

Rt Rt

I turned it off the moment Mary K talked

    Jimmy G

    Came to the comments to say the same thing.

Luke Adkins

8 minutes in and he’s already sick of these reporters lol

Nisé Aka

Fire Mary Kay, like… RIGHT NOW!!!

Tranquility Base

CLE sports reporters are so bad. Geez this is a happy day for him. Let go of the past!!

Brooks Simonds

Grant Delpit is surely my favorite player of all time but I’m a Steelers fan so I’m in an immense pickle.

    Bryce Z

    Just be a Browns fan you know you want to.

Oren Smith



    Yeah but Dorsey wasn’t bad he couldn’t fix all those glaring holes in 2 seasons while the Brown’s trying fill holes Baltimore and Pittsburgh are stockpiling. So the Brown’s need to catch up and maybe this year a little closer but next year has to be it.

Wali Ahmad

This guy is a baller, made plays everytime I watched LSU. He might be the best safety the Browns had since the late great Eric Turner.

Avant Campbell

Man in a good way I’m glad last season didn’t go the way we wanted now the bandwagons are gone please stay where you went

timothy campbell

I was hoping the Browns would draft Delpit! Mr. Berry doing a great job in my opinion.

Louie Lou

Welcome to the Dawg Pound 💪

Timothy J

“I might tackle you for asking that question” love this guy!! haha

Joshalin O'NEAL

He said I might tackle you for asking that question…. these reporters suck

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