Grant Delpit and Jacob Phillips on Browns Live: Meet The Rookies | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
ian walker

I feel like Grant and Jacob was playing a goid game of 2k before the meeting

Michael Smith

I like these dudes lot of confidence

Nick Markov

Philips is going to stiff arm Joe ๐ŸคฃThese guys are going to be great! LSU of the North

Matt Taraba

Hopefully The next Jamal Adams right here!

    Guru Gawd

    Na. I see earl Thomas / tyran mathaeui. Way better then Adams

    Oleg Prozapas

    @Guru Gawd Those guys are great but they really have different roles. Adams is at worst top 3 in his role. Eddie Jackson, Derwin James and Adams are the top of that group

ah-in-nist sipes

Lets go!!!

Quentine Harris

I am waiting to see if they can adapt their game in the NFL. I wasn’t wowed by either guys 2019 footage. Get some Ohio State guys on that team too.

fazecodfan !

GEAUX Browns

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