Gordon: ‘We’ve got to find a way to score and get in the end zone’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mile High 6IX Sports

He fumbled

    Jayden Morales

    Mile High 6IX Sports ofc that’s the only thing you talk abt if you were a real fan you would believe in your team

    Maniac Mosser

    @John Pena this guy has been hating on every Broncos press video. Hes probably a cheifs fan lmao just ignore him

    young cash register aka lil broomstick

    @Jayden Morales exactly, even tho the broncos have been not that good the past years, when they lose i still cheer them on and not the “oh we suck” just cheer for your football team, how do you think giants and jets fans have felt?

    young cash register aka lil broomstick

    @Mile High 6IX Sports he scored a TD that got them the lead, he made up for it, we aren’t gonna win every game, be happy it wasnt a blowout

    Mile High 6IX Sports

    @young cash register aka lil broomstickwithout Andrew Beck’s block he ain’t going in the end zone

Hano Kohatsu

You’ve got to find a way to stop giving the ball back in the red zone


    They suck. They won’t.

    Todd Smith

    @マコちゃん they been sayin that bullshit for the past 5 years. We gotta finds ways to blah blah blah…….

    Broncos Finatic

    @Todd Smith ikr

Macauley Guy

Lovely 😍💋 💝💖❤️


6-10. Sorry.

Watch the Nuggets for a real Denver team.


    It’s a 17 game regular season this year

    michael kelley

    @YT DARTCONSUMER no thats next year this season is 16 games. And no were not going 6-10 maybe 11-5 or 12-4


    Wow its 1 game

    Sam got sports

    One bad game and were 6-10? Bs af

Miles Morales

Yeah how about not fumbling

Maggie V

Didn’t help when you fumbled either. Smh

    Mike Holt

    He got blindsided. He was looking at the corners ahead of him, he didn’t see some random safety at the side of him.

    Joe Ball

    He’s a charger

    Johnny Bell



Lindsay didn’t get enough carries we didn’t have our stars and we had wilkinson play rt so he was giving to much pressure

    Javier Duran

    Lindsay got injured, ????????


    Yea I think idk because he didn’t get enough carries

    Gucci 59

    Quentin Lindsay was out the whole second half


It’s the first game of the season with a lot of new players on the offence, give them time to mesh

    dat boy prim

    Coaching decisions were questionable

Mike Williams

In time we’ll be great, I saw from loss last night, especially with the absences, with everyone healthy, we’ll be great…I will say life after Von might be rough on the pass rush

Adam N.T. Protester

That’s fine MG you played excellent… no preseason to get hit & used to the NFL big boom plays… you showed us that the excellent reasons we signed you was all there on the field for us to see… better days are ahead… and the fact that you made great plays afterwards shows you got the heart of a champ… I said it before & I will say it again in the next 3 years [maybe even this season] you will be an NFL MVP… even if they rob you of the honor… hang in there we played a playoff team to the wire with all the injuries: to Von, Court, Bouye & Lindsay…yes there were a dozen errors that cost us the game but there were also some pretty good positives that show we are a better team than we have been in a while & we have a promising future. Gotta keep calling Fant’s number tho & using you in the RPO/pass game as well

Tybo Thor

Nice fumble put freeman in

Uso Penitentiary

People attacking him over the fumbled must’ve failed to realize that he played a hell of a lot better after that. I was shocked that we didn’t feed him the ball more especially after the drive where we marched up the field easily to take the lead back

nick Trujillo

Lindsay would have put it in

Mike Holt

We have a problem with 3 and outs. When we had 4 mins we should’ve drove down and chewed all the time off. We can’t put our defense back out there right after they stopped them, they were literally gassed on that last drive cause the offense didn’t take any time for them to rest

Johnny Bell

LMAO TITAN-UP ⚔️⚔️🤦🏾‍♂️😆😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂WEEEEHAAAAA!!!!

Sam got sports

He played better than I thought he would, and the fumble was just a good play by the titans

Joe Ball

When you’re 3rd & 8, maybe don’t throw a 40 yd incompletion?


If Gordon didn’t fumble the titans wouldn’t have gotten that first TD. Drew missed a wide open TD throw and they went 4 and out in the red zone. Coach had terrible clock management not using any of his timeouts to give the offense more than 17 seconds to get down the field in the 4th quarter. If any of these things go the other way, Broncos win

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