Giants Offensive lineman Andrew Thomas gets first career sack 😂 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
solo 2 savage



To be honest I’m surprised WAS scored 10 points so far in this game. I was expecting less.

Aarav Reddy


Bilal Mohamed

The giants might choke..


im not a Washington fan, but Washington has probably the best defensive linemen in the nfl

    Wali Ansari

    I Wouldn’t say the best. They have potential tho

    Dc Pettis

    Definitely one of its think Pittsburgh and a few others like the colts beat them out tho

elbe Mahadi

Number 78 literally bumped into him like when you play in madden your o line runs into your qb


    It’s a bad angle he didn’t even hit him

Tim Ciccone

Believe in the lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Trust in the finished work that Jesus Christ did on the cross. (John 3:16: For god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son so that whosever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.John 3:36: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” all you gotta do is believe in Jesus that he died on the cross was buried and rose from the dead three days later and you will be saved and have everlasting life. Its that simple trust him with your soul. He died so that you can have everlasting life. Without him we would be punished for our sins and damned to hell. But with him we have everlasting life by believeing in him. We go to heaven because of what he did nothing we do. We rely on him and everything he did for us to get us to heaven nothing we do.
Acts 16:31: “ Believe on the lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved”
God bless all of you..

Mafia Mansion

That should be the name the rush

Strong Axolotl

That title lol


Jets would be proud of this lol

Luke Siemon


Ed J

NFL using emoji’s in the title LMFAOOOOOOO

    Lorrie Clinard

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Jonathan King


cashapp max

these titles are sending me 💀


Andrew Thomas is the worst O-lineman taken in the first round prove me wrong

    Lake Show

    There’s always erick flowers lol

Aaron Loiselle

Somebody need to get the young kid making these titles out of the booth.

B- Head

Only ones disliking this have ot be Giants fans LMFAO

Samuel Demetriades

this title guy should start a religion, I would join it.

M McLaurin80

That’s not really fair. He had a defender on his legs by the time Thomas ran into him.


Putting emojis is just disrespect

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