Giants LB Lorenzo Carter Discusses His Offseason Goals – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
King Trizzy

Plzzzzzz just get better …

Jawaad Quzoom

Disappointed that he didn’t make the jump everyone expected. Still very raw and needs to develop some technique because he clearly has more strength compared to his rookie year. Hopefully with better coaching he can be better.

    Nick Bronson

    I look at Shaq Barrett who had his breakout year this year (19.5 sacks) in his 6th season. Still plenty of time

    Goat 1326

    @Nick Bronson I literally see you everywhere lmao

Big Blue Squad

Osi & Tuck didn’t break out until their 3rd seasons. With new coaches & improved defense through FA & Draft, he will improve next year.


More sacks?


My Favorite playerrr!!


    You gay?

    YA MAN 61959

    @Frankincensed hows that gay just because lorenzo carter is that person favourite player smh


Total improvement. Won one more game. Woohoo!

Francis Agnew

Rush the passer and get more sacks

Edward King

Middle linebacker should be his position rush the passer on the third down


Dude’s wearing a Pink Floyd shirt. Immediate fan.


You can be the most intimidating player afte the great Lawrence Taylor!! Its in your hands my man!! Get bigger, get BAD, get some attitude….get physical!! Get in the best shape you can be, and ALL will notice you…Hall of Fame!! That where you belong…its up to you!!


Bro he need protein and carbs. Why he worried about greens lol

Jeffrey Abbey

Keep grinding Zo

This team needs you

Clay Murphy

He sucks

    hiram aponte

    You dont even know his stats I bet

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