Get a live look at Day 11 of Broncos Camp with Steve Atwater & Chad Brown – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ron Weber

I get called a racists for having the opinion that I don’t want to see the non-stop burning cities, SJW and politics and I can’t address it?

    Higher Learnings

    @Griff Ohh my bad i assumed you were one of the butt hurt people that didnt want to support the Broncos anymore because they took the day off to to support the BLM movement and try and change social prejudices and bad policing.


    Higher Learnings even if they cancelled games id still be a fan. I would just be very disappointed.

    Ron Weber

    Higher Learnings
    Higher Learnings
    I totally reject that this country or the police are Racists.
    I don’t believe anyone is saying there isn’t inequality that happens, or on a very small scale there aren’t racists thing happening. But, too make the claim of blanket racism we are not.
    You are right people are taking advantage of this situation this is correct and I don’t think anyone would argue that either but, who in the talking head media is separating the two, protest/violence, they aren’t.
    Well not until this week when CNN got their reality check at their poll numbers?… that’s right now that they see what’s happening to Joe Biden’s numbers and a lot of it has to do with the riots they have been supporting/denying at the very least, their rethinking their news coverage and now these riots exists and “might” be bad for the Democrats.
    Don’t believe me, go watch the Don Lemon and Cuomo interchange.
    That’s why I have said if the Broncos were going to denounce this violence and mean it, they would have already. They are supporting the same organizations supporting the destruction of their fans livelihoods and lives, while these players live in their penthouses and think they get to fly above it all and get a pass.
    This is injustice too, enabling, supporting and encouraging those destroying Americans/fans is the same as doing the crime. People are convicted every day of it in this country.
    The worst part, these Sports icons think they are all righteous. doing this while causing suffering to their fans.
    Maybe just maybe someone at Broncos headquarters will just maybe see soon the injuries they support and get a clue and come to their senses and stop supporting this NFL mandate.
    If I was a betting person I would place my bet that this was supported straight from the NFL’s PLAYERS ASSOCIATION AND GOODELL’S OFFICE.

    Higher Learnings

    @Ron Weber Even you agree that there is racism that needs to be fixed! Other than that if you don’t support what the Broncos, NFL, and other professional sports franchises and leagues are doing than don’t watch. It would be better for everyone involved!

    Ron Weber

    Higher Learnings
    Obviously you are so stuck on your own opinion you have no idea what I even said. Their is not a nation wide racism problem in this country.
    People have issues and problems but it is micro. And unless you want to live in a communist (by the way Socialism is by definition the mildest form of Communism) North Korea style government where everyone has to do whats demanded of them by the government, including what clothes and shoes you wear, there is no fixing it.
    What we are supposed to have is Equal Justice under the law in our Representative Republic
    So me putting words in your mouth. What your really saying is, “shut up and go away because, me bringing up a conversation you don’t like is inconvenient and upsetting to you”.
    You know what, we live in a free country, still, for now, not North Korea. And, the Denver Broncos nor You can demand I be a fan or not, or if I watch or not, or if I can even be physically in the stadium at a game at kickoff time or not. So just know I am a fan I will watch (for free if I want) and I represent the majority of Broncos fans out there. And because I know I’m in the majority this gives me hope and makes me smile even bigger now that I think about it.😁


We should substitute BCT with Ben & remove milani and have Alexis do player interviews instead of jezebel jones… add that to Matt Steve & guest(s0 & our live camp vids would gain more than hundreds of views & 100 likes… we would get 50 000 likes & 100 000 views

Ryley Brennan

So Nice 💘💘💘💘💘💘

Ron Weber

You all want to make this statement yesterday that is at the heart of this destruction and you don’t allow people to address what you put in our faces, which is just as offensive to us who don’t want to see the support of the destruction of our country.
If you don’t have the guts to handle it don’t put it out there.

Begreat 7

Great way to make a stand Go Broncos ✊🏾🧡💙

Tybo Thor

Back to back super bowl champs

It's Live Meow

Not a good marketing idea to pit fans against one another. Just sayin


Hope Atwater has Flyod Little on the show sometime

Mile High Truth

Chad Brown is the most annoying dude in the media!

    Rodrigo Machado

    Have you ever listened to Dan Jacobs?

    Mile High Truth

    @Rodrigo Machado Haha yeah, he’s pretty bad too lol

Higher Learnings

Real Broncos Country are with the players and the Broncos organization that is fighting racial injustice and bad policing. Lets change society for the better! Don’t be dissuaded by fake fans


    Mr. Bondhus2You no it’s not go somewhere with your negativity


    I’m with you on this! We need a change

    Ron Weber

    Isn’t it convenient that the same people destroying the country and thousands upon thousands of lives are the same people who are claiming they are doing it for injustice yet are given a pass on their crimes upon innocent people and a get out of jail free card. And these are the same people these same Broncos walked for yesterday. And these Broncos are the same people/organization who throws this move in their(my) fans faces and then don’t have the guts to allow for a live chat on this subject(“PROTEST”(NOT) they supported. I’m not one to stand by and allow this to pass like nothing happened. The Broncos are supporting the destruction of their fans businesses, livelihood, homes, and murder across this great country, these are their fans being hurt and ruined. If They aren’t they would have already condemned this destruction.

    B.H. C.

    Look, we all agree that change is needed. However, just saying it doesn’t mean anything, and doesn’t do anything. You are actually using the same strategy that your opponents use: empty rhetorics. People need to substantiate their claims, people need to ACT. Stop talking about it on a freaking internet website, cause it won’t make any difference. You have to get out there and ACT upon your words IN REAL LIFE.
    Anyway, cancelling a sports practice FOR ONE DAY is not going to change anything. Do people really believe that they can erase centuries of inequality and exploitation by sitting on their asses and talking about it? How cute.

    Ron Weber

    This stopped being about racial injustice two days after Floyd’s Murder. When people were shipped in from across the country and into Minnesota as a political movement and to commit crimes with some organization placing palettes of brick on street corners to throw and destroy property.
    Your lying to yourself if you really believe this is, and looks like an injustice protest.

Higher Learnings

Anyone want to sell me their Broncos Jersey’s if you dont want to be fans anymore? Don’t let the door hit ya!

    Ron Weber

    I will leave it with this.

    I would like to apologize to Mr. B for what is happening to the greatest franchise in the NFL. Maybe of all sports.

    It’s sad but the NFL has been polarized and has become just another political Talking Head. These owners are allowing the NFL to taint their organizations and it’s effecting their fan base.
    As a Broncos fan It’s very sad to watch.

    Miles Morales

    @Ron Weber

    Shoot my man up top your gear.

    This isnt the 40s 50s 60s anymore.
    This team (mostly black men) will not stand for racial injustice. These same black players have the FULL support of the rest of their team mates (the white players) because they have souls and believe ALL MEN AND WOMEN should be treated equal…

    Mr. B would be proud of this team.

B.H. C.

So… your protest only lasted one day? Lol way to go guys, now that’s what I call commitment to a cause

Jim Richard

Liked that long bomb from Drew Lock to Albert O. Lock to O would be how I would call it. Wouldn’t that be fun if that became a regular thing ! Maybe Vannet is right about Albert being a future star ?

Ron Weber

No. No you don’t.
You don’t even have to pay to watch it live.

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